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Have you used SOTW tests?


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I just noticed that SOTW has test books for each of the levels. I actually never thought about tests (1st year HSing) because I figure that I will know through our discussions if he is retaining the information. If you've used the SOTW tests, did you find them useful? Do they include critical thinking questions or is it regurgitation of factual information?




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At my house we didn't use the tests as tests but open book worksheets. In a nutshell, my kids were using Reading Detective to help with reading comprehension. You're supposed to read a couple of paragraphs and answer some basic questions. Then you're to go and mark in the paragraphs why you answered the way you did. My dd had a lot of problems with this and knowing my dd, I think it was more of a laziness problem than true comprehension problems. However, my kids didn't quite like reading detective, and it ended up just being one extra subject we were trying to cram into the day. Using the tests made my kids read the chapters a little more carefully and pay attention to details more.


I didn't start using SOTW till my kids were older because we weren't homeschooling when my oldest was in 1st grade. My method of having my kids reading the chapter to themselves and filling out the worksheet obviously wouldn't work with younger kids.

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