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The Peaceful Chaos Begins Teachers Lounge 12-17-2018


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Today's theme stems from the fact that I really want my home to be a home of Peace. Specifically, the Peace that Surpasses all Understanding. 
And yet so many things, including my own human self, seem to set out to destroy the path towards it. This week is the week so many packages are due to arrive.
Yay! It's exciting but also a bit overwhelming because Christmas is NEXT WEEK. I wanted this December to feel slower, calmer, but it hasn't. Not yet. I will say, though,
that as I watched a tv show with my son this morning, and it was a decent show, it did seem longer than almost an hour. That's something, at least.

I think what I'm really missing, though, is family gatherings. A couple of years ago, my mom and stepdad stopped coming out to AZ for the winter. And earlier this year my mom 
was called Home to Heaven. So that's probably not going to happen. I see people posting their pictures about family gatherings and I miss that. I miss Christmas mornings at my
childhood home. I miss late night Christmas eve gatherings with my Dad and stepmom and the blended family. Dad passed away 15 years ago and since then my stepmom has made
no move to communicate with us. I think I tried on a couple of occasions but...

Anyway, maybe that's why I don't feel at peace, right now? Not sure. 

Anything having you feel nostalgic today/this week? Here: see above.

Doing any Christmas baking? Here: the kids and I planned to do some but things keep getting in the way. Sometime today, perhaps I'll figure out when to do the sugar cookies and decorating.

Who else needs encouragement this week? Here: 🖐️

Talk to me! 

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Hi ya, Scrap!  I am sorry about the loss of your dad and the bittersweet feelings of the season.

No Christmas baking here.  Perhaps we will do some gluten free baking but we'll see.  There is a lot on the to-do list and that is pretty far down the list.

Well, we're off to a 3 hour specialist appt. for dd.  It's just a check - up kind of thing but takes for-ev-er.  Lots of tests and waiting in between tests etc. 

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Hi, Jean! Don't let the chaos of "to do" overshadow quality time with your kids/family!

Where is everyone else? I know some places were getting storms so maybe they're snowed in. 😉

I did errands with my son. Came home and did errands with my daughter. Relaxing a bit at the computer before I go do more errands
and then meet with friends tonight.

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I’m sorry scrap, I think these times of year can be very hard after a loss.

for me, I’m in bed.  It’s like we finally finished school and my body went - yay - you’ve got time to get sick now.  I woke up with a sore throat yesterday and it progressed to shivering and full blown cold symptoms last night.  I’m feeling slightly better this morning but will definitely be a quiet day.  My lovely dd has done all the animal chores for me.  I will have to do a quick check at some point just to be sure but still makes things easier.  DH has the annual bbq for his volunteer fire fighter brigade tonight.  I guess I’m going to stay away as no one wants to get sick this time of year.  I hope dh will do a decent job of watching out for the kids.  It always stresses me out a bit as you always get a few people who rarely turn up and then just pop in at the end of the year and unfortunately there’s a few I don’t fully trust.  I might be a bit overprotective but there’s a lot of people noise and chaos as well.  

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Hi Scrap,

I hope you do feel the peace that passes all understanding this Christmas, despite missing family. Reverent Christmas music helps me when the busyness, the incompleteness, the struggle of living as a sinner in a fallen world seems to flood my reality. I have been feeling ghostlike lately. Wife, mom, daughter, teacher, driver, cook, housekeeper, but not Me. Soaking in the Truth of Christmas, expressed musically, helps.

Planning a little baking. Gingerbread cookies with my kids later this week. Some pumpkin bread. A pie or two for Christmas. 

Enjoy your break! 


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