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Book a Week 2018 - BW45: Nonfiction November

Robin M

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We are far south of the Ventura/Malibu fires, and so far the smoke hasn't done a u-turn over the ocean to blow back in on us, which sometimes happens. But the news out of both Butte and Ventura is just heartbreaking. The students at Pepperdine University had to shelter in place last night while firefighters fought (successfully) to protect the campus. 

Dangerous fire weather (Santa Ana winds and low humidity) is in the forecast here Sunday - Tuesday, so we are staying vigilant.  

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I am reading a non-fiction title, Right Here Right Now  politics and leadership in the age of disruption, from Canada's 22nd prime minister, Stephen J. Harper. Conservative and current, I am enjoying.

Recently read:
Shooter by Caroline Pignat, Canadian YA title, shades of The Breakfast Club during a lockdown drill that is not a drill. I think kids would enjoy it. It would likely make a popular teen movie, which doesn't always translate to a quality read, IMO.

Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig, thanks to a recommendation here. It was less heartwarming than I had expected. I appreciated the characters as much more than upbeat stereotypes. The tension throughout the story of Ginny's questionable ability to safely relay her good intentions to a newborn infant was disturbing... though much more believable and honest. I respect the author's frankness.

Light on Snow by Anita Shreve. Gripping story, so well told, spot-on narrator's voice.

The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Reading back-to-back with Light on Snow highlighted this book's less believable narrator and dialogue. But the Alaskan setting grabbed me, and the brutal events pulled me along to the end. I'm still thinking about the themes from this book. Worthwhile read.

Edited by KathyBC
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Before I forget my A to Z by Author challenge list:

A.....Airth, Ronnie......River of Darkness 4*

B.....Brett, Simon.......Mrs. Pargether’s Point of Honour 2*

C.....Crombie,Deborah.....Dreaming of the Bones 4*

D....Dunn, Carola.......Styx and Stones 4*

E....Emerson, Kathy Lynn.....Face Down in the Marrow Bone Pie 4*

F.....Ferrell, Sean.....Man in the Empty Suit 3*

G....Graham, Caroline....The Killings at Badger’s Drift 4*

H....Harris, C.S.......When God’s Die 5*

I....Indridason, Arnaldur.....The Shadow District 4*

J....James, Miranda......Claws for Concern 4*

K....Klepas, Lisa.....Hello, Stranger 3*

L....Lou, Cixin.....The Three-Body Problem 5*

M....Murakami, Haruki....A Wild Sheep Chase 5*

N....Norton, Mary....Bednob and Broomstick 3*

O....O’Brien, Anne....The Virgin Widow 3*

P.... Penrose, Andrea....Sweet Revenge 3*

Q....Quantrill, Nick......The Late Greats 3*

R....Robb, J.D.......Dark in Death 4*

S.....Sloan, Robin.....Sourdough 4*

T.....Tey, Josephine.....The Franchise Affair 4*

U.....Undset, Sigrid.....The Bridal Wreath 4*

V.....Vale, Maria......The Last Wolf 4*

W.....Wentworth, Patricia....The Case is Closed 4*

X.....Xiaolong, Quilt.......When Red is Black 4*

Y....Yip,Mingmei......Song of the Silk Road 1*

Z.....Zezinho, Gabrielle.....Young Jane Young 3*

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Somehow if I don't catch the thread on Sunday I seem to get lost,...

So I'm posting so I will be sure to be able to find the new thread next week...

I finished Wintergarden, a book about German History during the 20th Century, and Dawn a book from a Turkish Author.

Reading a thick book about Chinese Immigrants in Canada and still reading the book from Luther.


DD is still attending exams 

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