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Linked In.....can you explain how this works and if I need it?


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I am now single parenting it and right now substitute teaching special education at a local school for severely impaired students.  I love what I do, the students, and co-workers but the pay is quite low.

Someone today told me I need to get on Linked In and see what else is out there in the special Ed, advocacy type fields.  O know nothing about linked in,how it works, any cautions with using it, etc.   Anyone want to give me a 101 crash course?

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14 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

I am now single parenting it and right now substitute teaching special education at a local school for severely impaired students.  I love what I do, the students, and co-workers but the pay is quite low.

Someone today told me I need to get on Linked In and see what else is out there in the special Ed, advocacy type fields.  O know nothing about linked in,how it works, any cautions with using it, etc.   Anyone want to give me a 101 crash course?


I think the value of Linkedin can vary wildly based on the industry.  In my location and industry, it has a high utility.  New clients check me out on Linkedin quite a bit.  I also have been recruited to apply for jobs via Linkedin, though I find that most contact I get from headhunters is still getting my email or phone.  Since I am not looking for a job, just to remain self-employed, I pass on those opportunities.   You want your profile to be fairly complete.  It's like a digital resume with attachments.  A professional looking picture is important and see if you can get recommendations from your connections.  

Also, since you were recently harassed online, I would be cautious with the privacy settings if you set up an account.  

I have to dash so I am going to link to some articles.  Let me know if you have any questions.  




Education industry-specific advice:  https://www.teachaway.com/blog/7-ways-teachers-should-be-using-linkedin-help-their-careers

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It’s kind of like professional social media. My husband did get his current job through LinkedIn. 

As for how necessary it is, I think it depends on your industry and what types of connections you have in that industry. In my husband’s case an old boss had been asked if he knew anyone who would be good in a particular position. The old boss was linked to my husband and recommended him. I’m not sure if my husband would have gotten the recommendation otherwise. It’s possible, we just don’t know. 

I do agree that most headhunting in his industry still seems to be via phone or email though. 

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OP you need it.  I have my resume on the traditional job hunter web sites (Monster, Career Builder, Dice, etc.) but two (2) of my childhood friends (Engineers) more or less demanded that I get on LinkedIn.  I am not sure how it works for other professions, but for Engineers, it is critical.  

I cannot explain why that is, but I believe that's true.

Good luck in your job hunting.   I was extremely sorry to read about the issues you and your family are facing.

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