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11/17-11/23 exercise check-in

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I managed to get in 5 miles on Tuesday but again, the dark put an end to my run. My dh has arranged his life such that I can not run in the mornings, and that's getting problematic for me. I mean, I do prefer running later in the day, but it just doesn't work at this time of year. I can't get out there until after 4 pm or so, and an hour later it's dark.


Now, today, it's the wind that's the trouble. We get serious northeast winds here and it can make running next-to-impossible. When I have to struggle to keep my Suburban on the road, I know running will be tough.:tongue_smilie: So, we'll see...


I know it's not what you want to accomplish, but it's better than not doing anything at all. Wind is horrible anyway, but yours sounds horrendous!

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The wind subsided to a breeze so I headed out there. This despite the fact that at 4:30 pm I was falling asleep while reading. I'm so tired this week and I just wanted to curl up and take a nap. Instead I went out right as it was getting dark and ended up running 8 miles. I felt great!:)

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I intended to run last night but after a 12 hour shift at work I just didn't have it in me.


This morning I


walk 2 min, Jog/walk 23 min, walk 5 min. I limited my walk breaks to 1 minute and then would jog in the 2-4 min range. total 35 minutes


weather was perfect!

Edited by Wendy B.
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I intended to run last night but after a 12 hour shift at work I just didn't have it in me.


This morning I


walk 2 min, Jog/walk 23 min, walk 5 min. I limited my walk breaks to 1 minute and then would jog in the 2-4 min range. total 35 minutes


weather was perfect!


Perfect weather make sit so much easier! great job!

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The wind subsided to a breeze so I headed out there. This despite the fact that at 4:30 pm I was falling asleep while reading. I'm so tired this week and I just wanted to curl up and take a nap. Instead I went out right as it was getting dark and ended up running 8 miles. I felt great!:)


Turning around and doing something makes me feel good too! great job getting out there! Just stay where there is light, sweetie.

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My finger throbbed all day yesterday (3 stitches if you missed the post). So today a non-throbbing finger felt good! I didn't want to mess that up. I'll probably go tomorrow and Saturday. Tomorrow should be a bike or swim day. No swimming - can't get my finger wet yet! I don't know if I'll bike or run. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

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Thursday is typically a day off for me. I'd hoped to use the extra time to catch up on some stuff, but 'twas not to be.


I normally have a shorter run Friday, followed by a long run Saturday. Because I'm doing a 5K with my boys on Sat., I'm going to reverse that this week. It'll be interesting to see how that works out ~ doing the long run followed by the short the next day!

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Thursday is typically a day off for me. I'd hoped to use the extra time to catch up on some stuff, but 'twas not to be.


I normally have a shorter run Friday, followed by a long run Saturday. Because I'm doing a 5K with my boys on Sat., I'm going to reverse that this week. It'll be interesting to see how that works out ~ doing the long run followed by the short the next day!


Have a great time with the boys on Saturday! I think you will be fine!

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Tonight was 5 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 5 minute jog, 3 minute walk, 5 minute jog! It went very well, even though it got dark very fast!


My next day to jog will be Sunday!


You can always run in the dark, just watch out for those moving trees! :) You're doing great!

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We had flurries this morning! Central NC in November! It was 36 when I left and the ground was wet. A perfect morning to swim. Unfortunately I have stitches so I can't. :glare: The wet roads is why I didn't bike. I went out thinking of my route, not the distance. I also meant to stop near 2 miles to use the bathroom and then forgot. Mistake. I ran 3.3 miles and had to stop due to the aforementioned issue. I walked the last 1/2 mile.


36 degrees - capri length pants, technical long sleeves, jacket, ear flap hat. Removed jacket at 2 miles, back on for walk.


3.84 miles, 43:24 minutes, 11:15 pace, 445 calories

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I just can't keep up here during the week! I'll try to catch up over the weekend.


I couldn't face the cold again today (I hope this isn't a trend!). So, I did my video inside. I figure if I can get outside 3x/week and workout inside 2x, I'll still be okay overall.


I'm racing two days next week. Thurs is a 5K Turkey Trot and Fri is a 2 1/2 mile Jingle Bell Run (don't know why it's that distance!). My boys will be running the 2 1/2 with me.

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I just got back from a cold 6 miler. It's way too early for it to be this cold! Where did the weeks and weeks of 50 degree running days go?


A good run, little traffic but I did still have to top at the 2 stoplights. I don't notice the McD at about 2 miles, but the Wendy's at 4 has got to go! Just running past there makes me nauseous! My water (that I took and didn't drink) is nice and cold now! The homemade gel is also semi-solid again. I stored it in the fridge and it was solid. I nuked it for a minute (way to long!) and it was like juice. Find th recipe here. No I dn't need it for this length race, but I took it anyway. I also tried some just to see how it tasted - it tastes just like th store bought stuff - exactly like frosting! Which is odd b/c it's mostly honey. :001_huh:


30-33 degrees - fleece top, sweat pants, ear flap hat - pushed the sleeves up, unzipped the 1/4 zip, wished I could roll up the pants, flipped up the ear flaps. In other words, I got hot.


6.31 miles, 1:07:39 hour, 10:43 pace, 728 calories

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We had flurries this morning! Central NC in November! It was 36 when I left and the ground was wet. A perfect morning to swim. Unfortunately I have stitches so I can't. :glare: The wet roads is why I didn't bike. I went out thinking of my route, not the distance. I also meant to stop near 2 miles to use the bathroom and then forgot. Mistake. I ran 3.3 miles and had to stop due to the aforementioned issue. I walked the last 1/2 mile.


36 degrees - capri length pants, technical long sleeves, jacket, ear flap hat. Removed jacket at 2 miles, back on for walk.


3.84 miles, 43:24 minutes, 11:15 pace, 445 calories


Where do you have stitches? I hope it was nothing serious!!


I just got back from a cold 6 miler. It's way too early for it to be this cold! Where did the weeks and weeks of 50 degree running days go?


A good run, little traffic but I did still have to top at the 2 stoplights. I don't notice the McD at about 2 miles, but the Wendy's at 4 has got to go! Just running past there makes me nauseous! My water (that I took and didn't drink) is nice and cold now! The homemade gel is also semi-solid again. I stored it in the fridge and it was solid. I nuked it for a minute (way to long!) and it was like juice. Find th recipe here. No I dn't need it for this length race, but I took it anyway. I also tried some just to see how it tasted - it tastes just like th store bought stuff - exactly like frosting! Which is odd b/c it's mostly honey. :001_huh:


30-33 degrees - fleece top, sweat pants, ear flap hat - pushed the sleeves up, unzipped the 1/4 zip, wished I could roll up the pants, flipped up the ear flaps. In other words, I got hot.


6.31 miles, 1:07:39 hour, 10:43 pace, 728 calories


Wow! Great run!! I'm going to look up that gel. Will you carry it with you during a race? How do you carry water when you run? Do you have one of those belts?


I got out there this morning. 6 degree wind chill. Ack! Used my new Garmin watch. Found out I do run faster than I think I do! I went 4.18 miles in 40 minutes. But, I walked the first 1/4 mile as a warm up and had to stop once because I saw another runner get bitten by a dog!!! Most of the time I noticed I was running an 8:45 - 9:30 pace. I LOVE that I can look down at any time and see how fast I'm running! My kids are using it to see how fast they can sprint. I can't wait to get it plugged into my computer.


It was awesome - I'd look down and see that I was starting to get close to a 9:30 pace and I'd start picking up the pace again. This watch will be my best friend, I can tell!!


Colleen - I was thinking that the Garmin running watch would be good for you too. It tells you exactly how fast you are running. And, since you have a hard time conserving energy on longer runs, this might help.

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Where do you have stitches? I hope it was nothing serious!!


Three in my pinkie finger. I was cutting bread and thought I can get one more piece out. I did, but I also sliced my finger.




Wow! Great run!! I'm going to look up that gel. Will you carry it with you during a race? How do you carry water when you run? Do you have one of those belts?


Right now it's just in a little rubbermaid kid type juicebox thing. I'm going to look for a gel flask that I can put into my pack that holds my water anyway. Oh, you asked about that too. Here it is. And I did carry it last marathon. I used the pouch part to carry gel packs and sunglasses. (We started at 6 am!)


I got out there this morning. 6 degree wind chill. Ack! Used my new Garmin watch. Found out I do run faster than I think I do! I went 4.18 miles in 40 minutes. But, I walked the first 1/4 mile as a warm up and had to stop once because I saw another runner get bitten by a dog!!! Most of the time I noticed I was running an 8:45 - 9:30 pace. I LOVE that I can look down at any time and see how fast I'm running! My kids are using it to see how fast they can sprint. I can't wait to get it plugged into my computer.


It was awesome - I'd look down and see that I was starting to get close to a 9:30 pace and I'd start picking up the pace again. This watch will be my best friend, I can tell!!


I read your weather and thought "I'm sp glad I'm not in MI!" I hope that other runner is ok! That watch does sound cool! Too bad my Christmas is all bought and paid for already... Great job!

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I walk/ ran 4 miles total split between two days. All that data was lost because something is up with my Nike+ sensor thingy. Anyone else here having that issue? On the Nike forum there is a big discussion about it. Very aggravating.


My Nike thing does that too, but only occasionally. I figure I did something wrong and don't worry too much about it.


You're doing great Scarlett!

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Most of the time I noticed I was running an 8:45 - 9:30 pace.


That's a very decent training pace; good for you!


Colleen - I was thinking that the Garmin running watch would be good for you too. It tells you exactly how fast you are running. And, since you have a hard time conserving energy on longer runs, this might help.


Yeah, it'd be a nice luxury, but I dunno....The beauty of running, to me, is its sheer simplicity. Put on some shoes and go. There's so much stuff one could buy, but in a way, it detracts from what is a very basic sport. On the one hand, I do like to know what pace I'm running, but it's easy to get so consumed by all the details ~ pace, distance, calories burned, heart rate, yada yada yada...It gets to be a bit much, if you kwim.

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I ran Friday from a friend's house who lives in a hilly area and oh, my word! did those hills kill me. Yowza! She runs about half the distance I do each week, but her runs are all hills whereas mine are all flat. As a result, she's the more well-rounded runner, no question. I put in 7 miles and felt like I'd run twice that.


Saturday morning my leg muscles ached big time. (And honestly, these hills weren't that dramatic; I'm just not used to them.) But my whole family was set to do our annual Turkey Trot run so we headed out for that. Can I just say once again what a fantastic running community we have here? Three cheers for the Greater Bellingham Running Club! A $40 annual family membership means my whole family can do all sorts of races without having to pay a registration fee. And they're such fun. Great camaraderie, encouragement, snacks, and prizes. Love it!


Any-hoo, back to the Turkey Trot. My two youngest first did the 1/2 mile kids' fun run. Rafe (6 yo) is a great little runner and placed first, then proceeded to run the full 5K race as well. My three older boys all did well in the 5K, though my oldest was a bit disappointed with his time. Probably because he wasn't far enough ahead of his mom. LOL I finished in 23:15, or a 7:30 min/mile pace. I was third in the women 30-39 (okay, there aren't that many people in this race!:tongue_smilie:) so that was nice. As usual, I'm taking today (Sunday) off.


Great job this week, everyone!!!

Edited by Colleen
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I ran Friday from a friend's house who lives in a hilly area and oh, my word! did those hills kill me. Yowza! She runs about half the distance I do each week, but her runs are all hills whereas mine are all flat. As a result, she's the more well-rounded runner, no question. I put in 7 miles and felt like I'd run twice that.


Saturday morning my leg muscles ached big time. (And honestly, these hills weren't that dramatic; I'm just not used to them.) But my whole family was set to do our annual Turkey Trot run so we headed out for that. Can I just say once again what a fantastic running community we have here? Three cheers for the Greater Bellingham Running Club! A $40 annual family membership means my whole family can do all sorts of races without having to pay a registration fee. And they're such fun. Great camaraderie, encouragement, snacks, and prizes. Love it!


Any-hoo, back to the Turkey Trot. My two youngest first did the 1/2 mile kids' fun run. Rafe (6 yo) is a great little runner and placed first, then proceeded to run the full 5K race as well. My three older boys all did well in the 5K, though my oldest was a bit disappointed with his time. Probably because he wasn't far enough ahead of his mom. LOL I finished in 23:15, or a 7:30 min/mile pace. I was third in the women 30-39 (okay, there aren't that many people in this race!:tongue_smilie:) so that was nice. As usual, I'm taking today (Sunday) off.


Great job this week, everyone!!!


I knew you'd have a great time with the kids! Great job to them too!


I hate hills. I think it comes from "learning" to run in a flat place. Kudos to you for taking them on!

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2.77 miles/38:48 Time/13:59 Pace/ 292 Calories.


I have no clue if that is good or not, but I feel great!!!!


Some lady said 'congratulations, on your longest run yet.' Well, it was a walk/run, but whatever. Who is she? Sounded like Joan Benoit Samuelson? I am not a sports person.

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I've had a very lazy weekend. However, I did run for 1 hour and walk 15 min Friday. So I'm a recovering....from my long run:glare::001_smile:. I am hoping to do better this week, at least Mon, Tues, Wed. Thurs and Fri. I'll be out of town but maybe will get a walk in....oh yeah that's right we are hitting the mall at midnight Thursday does that count?

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