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Accountability Thread 8/26-9/1

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Good morning. How is it about to be September on Saturday? I'm not ready for it.

Today's goals: Last of the red-hot polishing on my novel, a little housekeeping if I get to it. Grocery run this morning. I also promised I'd help with some script-writing this afternoon. Never done that before. Should be interesting. I also need to plan school for next week. I'll keep it light. I have a lot of cleaning to do because revision house has set in, and the cobwebs are deep in places. Also we have family coming to visit at some point.

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Good Morning, Sunday version! 

I hadn't really registered September on Saturday.  Goodness. 

This week:

  • get the house clean and on some sort of routine: September will mean things pick up, DH travels a lot this fall, and so on. 
  • finalize next year's homeschool plans, get plans out for first term at least, keep going with math + languages + handwriting + reading + science/crafts kits.  This was my goal over a week ago -- and I did a good version of it, but then my actual life/children encountered reality.  On to plan B.  (well, plan Q or R at this point, if not Z)
  • add: some art & music study
  • pick up with my various exercise-y things so I sleep well
  • have a mellow, family-oriented week because DH is home and Thursday is elder DS's 13th birthday.  Meanwhile, keep up in online Greek and Latin.  In a mellow manner.  ??? have no idea how this will go.
  • keep going in our independent faith studies.  I am pretty sure I need to do something with the boys other than keep attending the church we've been going to.  I've found a way to do a constructive Bible study with them (I think!) and will need to work and pray our way through this; and this Sunday we attended church again, after a month away, to give a more gentle sense of exiting to the boys and to our community there.  

critterfixer: I am so excited about your novel!!!  And just extraordinarily grateful that you are doing this writing in the midst of all the other life that's going on. 

Edited by serendipitous journey
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We do 6 days a week year round with assorted days off. She is only 5 so its part off daily life already. Been doing it awhile

Phonics/practice reading

Horizon Math K almost done with first book. After that book is done we are going to do 6 days a week (instead of every other day) of Rays Arithmetic. Horizon has a lot of writing and its frustrating her (the math is easy for her though). Ray's we do orally and 20+ questions are done in 5 minutes. I can progress her faster, as needed. Since it doesnt depend on her writing.

Keep writing separate from everything and keep it light for her. When i say frustrated she growls and starts to get mad when she doesnt make the number/letter right (perfectionist). It just last a minute. I show her again how to do it and let her trace them. She just wants to be good at it without the effort. I told her she just needs to keep practicing, all the kids have to and so did we. She needs to give herself a break.

We do other things to but this is the meat of it. 


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Good morning. Today's schedule:

Polish final pages, get entry in. Hopefully no formatting issues.

School- math and Latin for sure, French and literature. Maybe.

Housekeeping. Fight spiders for possession of the house. It's not really that bad, but revision house is a spooky house.

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Good morning! We are starting school in about five minutes but I wanted to hop on here quickly before I forget! We’ve slowly rolled into this school year and this is the week we bring it up to full speed. I think it’s going to go well. I hope! So here’s what we’ve got for today:

Everyone: Morning Basket, Science

DS12: math, reading, writing, spelling, grammar, typing, and history

DS11: math, writing, reading, spelling, typing and history w/DD10

DD10: math, reading, writing, spelling, typing and history w/DS10.

Ballet for DD10 this evening. It will be a full day but not completely stuffed.

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Ok....First day of school.  Went okay, but late start and lots of DH distractions.  I am now schooling two.  It is going to take some adjustment to get them working in sync.  The new dog was not being a good mascot.  The cat has not forgotten how to sleep on the school material over the summer.  

So....DD10 - 

  1. Khan Academy Math - done
  2. geography/History - done
  3. dictation - very happy with this as it’s a huge weak area and I really upped the skill level - done
  4. typing - done

Grandson 5 - 

  1. letter A and short a sounds - done
  2. khan Academy Math - done


 now housework.....ugh.   



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Today's schedule:

French-lesson 33

Latin-lesson 5


Literature-reading, questions 

For me: French, Latin, school planning, housekeeping  and...drawing. My post-revision project is a graphic novel. Picking out visual beats and sketching today.


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On 8/26/2018 at 11:32 AM, serendipitous journey said:

Quoting myself here ... my week's goals:

  • get the house clean and on some sort of routine: September will mean things pick up, DH travels a lot this fall, and so on. 
  • finalize next year's homeschool plans, get plans out for first term at least, keep going with math + languages + handwriting + reading + science/crafts kits.  This was my goal over a week ago -- and I did a good version of it, but then my actual life/children encountered reality.  On to plan B.  (well, plan Q or R at this point, if not Z)
  • add: some art & music study.  ETA: begin music history elder DS's piano instructor requested, watch Harry Potter (!!! fun assignment!) so we know the music
  • pick up with my various exercise-y things so I sleep well
  • have a mellow, family-oriented week because DH is home and Thursday is elder DS's 13th birthday.  Meanwhile, keep up in online Greek and Latin.  In a mellow manner.  ??? have no idea how this will go.
  • keep going in our independent faith studies.  I am pretty sure I need to do something with the boys other than keep attending the church we've been going to.  I've found a way to do a constructive Bible study with them (I think!) and will need to work and pray our way through this; and this Sunday we attended church again, after a month away, to give a more gentle sense of exiting to the boys and to our community there.  

today: chip away at the above.  Our fun science was not especially fun and reminded me why we haven't done science kits in years.  Oh well!  Maybe this time I'll learn!

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Bible story and memory verse

Practice writing

Horizon Math K (I scribed)

Alphabet fluency, phonics and she read to me.

Calendar and weather

She wanted to learn spanish so she is learning the abc, 123, shapes and opposites.

Memorize a poem. (Fuzzy Caterpillar)

Reviewed emergency contacts. What to do in case of fire or tornado?

Daddy turned her bike into a stationary bike today, so she can get some energy out. Mom and Dad are tired.


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Nothing happened yesterday.  We went to a baseball game.  DD got a ball during batting practice.  

Today, Something got done, let’s just say that.  Late start, we are not morning people.  Grandson did everything....but it was a bit of teeth pulling and took an hour and a half.  DD did Math, Reading, grammar and typing.  Then had to call it for the day for appts and barn work.  The dog was a much better mascot today.  She joined us on the couch (crawled all over us) and kept offering encouragement to hurry up and take her for a walk (barking/growling at us to let us know how put out she was).  

Not sure what will happen tomorrow.  


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Good Morning,

Yesterday afternoon DD5 was showing signs of illness, so she didnt read or write. She was read to and watched lots of science shows.

This morning she says she feels better and the fever is gone. She is stuffy, sniffly and her throat a little irritated still.

We will see what she is up for with school.

Currently having heavy rain with thunderstorms.

She is curled up on the couch with her sore throat pop and warm tea watching "Magic School Bus". 

She did her calendar and weather.

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Also done Bible story, memory verse, money poem, she read and I scriped Horizon Math K 1 lesson. Place value had her confused a bit but we worked through it.

So far fever still gone. Still congested but she is eating, drinking and full of spunk. Slept all night.

Will try to get a writing page out of her. Have Dad help her there.

She is having fun playing with Dad right now.



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Today -- Thursday -- is elder DS's 13th birthday: no school today!  He wants a mellow day, and is setting up a puzzle/game gift he received.  Both boys want to play iPad games all day but we are making them do other stuff, too. 

On the docket:

  • clean out my email a bit ?
  • catch up on the housecleaning for the week
  • do weekly financial/meal planning -- a Wednesday thing, I totally missed it yesterday
  • exercise
  • set up Friday's school, including Bible study which we missed this week.  We've begun reading NT Wright's New Testament "... for Everyone" series -- starting with "Matthew for Everyone" -- and it is slow going for sure.  Also on Friday sewing with younger.
  • finalize next term's plans for older boy and begin to get a grip on the first proper week of work, which we'll spread over two weeks as we get up to full speed
  • get a sense of what DS the younger should have for that week of school
  • exercise. 
  • total extra credit grand goals: play a game of Andor with family and spend 15" or so working on inexpensive storage/shelving/furniture options for younger DS's room
Edited by serendipitous journey
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Good Morning,

Bible story and memory verse

Calendar and weather

Ray's Arithmetic

Magic School Bus dvd and breakfast

Need to do phonics, read and writing page.

We are staying home today. She is still congested and its setting off her asthma.

Play games, paint, color, draw, read alouds and play in the mud outside in the yard.

Lunch with Daddy at work.

Edited by Mommyof1
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