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How are you using BA Online?


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Now that it's been out a few weeks, I was wondering how others are using Beast Academy Online. Before, Dd7 would do a half hour of BA3D (the level she's on) and then 20 minutes of BA 2B, which came out after she was past it but is still challenging enough and good practice and review. 

I signed her up for BA online and right now am having her do her 3D like before but 20 minutes of online OR 2B, her choice. How are the rest of you doing it? Is anyone doing it instead of the books? 

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We don't school during summer, but DS 9 has been working through 4C online when he's been bored, and should be finished this week. I purchased the year membership (with the discount), but I'm going to tweak how he uses it after we start school again in 2 weeks.

He doesn't seem to read the guides thoroughly and retain the information as well from the screen. I will have him read the chapter in the book and then do the questions online. If he struggles in a section or needs more practice, I'll have him do a few more problems out of the workbook.

Then again, I may change my mind entirely and put him back into the physical books completely, depending on how having the computer open during the school day affects his behavior.

FWIW, I don't like that the program doesn't mention to you which pages/section in the text go with which problems as clearly as the physical books do. A few times he has gone ahead of where he was in the text and had trouble (obviously) understanding the problems. Also, there are no hints! He misses the hints. 

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Oh, I also have it set to let her go to any chapter she likes from any level, but make her work through those chapters. I thought it might be a good way for review, but it may be an issue if she only does the easiest stuff. I'm trusting that will even out as she does it all and has to do harder work. 

Regardless, I still plan on having her do the books all the way through. 

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DS was partway through level 3 of the paper books, but I've put him back at the start of 3A, as he could use the confidence boost of a successful start. He's working on the first two chapters concurrently.

We're still in the process of building up to a full schedule after a forced mental health break, but I plan to do 30min math on paper plus 30min math online every day.

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While the online program does not explicitly tell you what pages the exercise problems refer to in the text you can go directly to that area of the text by clicking the book icon when you have the exercise problems open. Hope that makes sense. 

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2 hours ago, SJ. said:

While the online program does not explicitly tell you what pages the exercise problems refer to in the text you can go directly to that area of the text by clicking the book icon when you have the exercise problems open. Hope that makes sense. 

Yes. But, he liked having it be explicit in the books so he could go back and forth. He doesn't like to read the entire chapter at once.

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How much oversight do I need to be giving? I am very involved when we do the Guidebook and practice book, but plan for online to be something that is more directed by dd and standoffish for me. Is that reasonable? How does it handle the child getting wrong answers? 

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Just now, SJ. said:

 Also, if you miss a certain amount in a row (I think 3) it says to come back later to try again. 


41 minutes ago, Danae said:


When you enter a wrong answer you get one re-do without penalty. After that it affects your score on the section. You can see the solution and explaination for problems you get wrong, and if you go back to re-do a section because you didn't get all three stars you get a different problem of the same type.


That sounds perfect. Thanks. 

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DD is still on Chapter 2.   But, once she is done with all the grade 3 books, I plan on getting the online and having her do all of grade 3 online as a review.   Sometimes I think relying on parents for hints takes away something from the BA-magic.   So, that makes me like the review idea.   


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To answer the original question - Ds is using BA Online as his main math program. He reads the text and completes the questions.  He is in level 5A and it is challenging. He just finished the first section and the last set of problems took him an hour to complete because they were so tough. 

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We haven't fully started school for the year yet but I've just been having DD10 spend at least half an hour a day on BA online. She's going into 5th and I'm having her do 4 on BA. When we start up for the year I will probably have her do BA online 1-2x/week and Singapore the rest of the time. So for us BA online has replaced BA physical books, but it is a supplement and ran a year behind either way. 

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