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Long term SAT prep?

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My dd has always been very inconsistent with standardized tests. She will do very well in certain portions and bomb others and generally feels nervous about them.

im concerned about her SAT scores in the future and I’m wondering what a long term SAT prep plan could be that would truly help her to be ready, both emotionally and with help on the content. 

She doesn’t like Khan academy and will be spending a lot of time on the computer already this year ...

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Then, I'd recommend an on-paper practice test (just print out any of #5-8 from Khan) to figure out where she needs work, then have her work through a prep book or two over time. Have her retake on-paper practice tests when she's done with a book to see what helped & what didn't. Since you are spreading it out, you shouldn't need to spend much time on it each week.

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If you are concerned about test anxiety, perhaps you could have her take the PSAT annually at whatever location she will be taking the SAT? If it becomes routine, that might take some of the edge off.

I agree with Root Ann about the prep books. Maybe set aside 15 minutes per day and do just a little bit at a time. (We do that with Khan, but I understand your wanting to limit computer time.)

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Last year, ds was in 9th grade.  He never took a standardized test.  I found a homeschool friendly private school that took homeschoolers for PSAT testing.  I did not prep him last year because I wanted him to just get used to doing a test in a strange place before we buckled down for him to practice the test. 

This year, he is doing Memoria Press PSAT Prep class and will take the PSAT again in 10th grade this year.  Overall, he did pretty well on the PSAT.  He only finished about half the math test and still managed to get a decent score for a 9th grader. 

The other thing that helped him get used to the test was checking out the memes after the test on instagram, where so many students made fun of PSAT/SATs and how ridiculously hard or easy or strange were the questions.  It made him feel "normal."  If you have them check out the memes PLEASE stay with child because some are inappropriate....just warning you.  I went through some of them before showing it to him, so by-pass the bad ones as I showed him the funny ones.

This is what we are doing so far.  It's still a work in progress........To keep my sanity, too, I am doing one year at a time to figure out if should do anything more regarding prep for SATs.

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