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WWS instructor manual required?


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How important is it to have the instructor manual for Writing with Skill?  I am thinking of starting my 5th grader with WWS this fall (this will be our first foray into the Complete Writer), but the sample lessons posted online just appear to show direct  copies of the student text which contains already has the instructions for each lesson, so I'm wondering if I can get by just fine with only the student book.  I don't mind paying for the extra book, but I operate better with the least amount of moving parts.  

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I'm only about 4 weeks in, but the instructor manual so far has included rubrics for the narration assignments and "how to help your student" with the various lessons (if they get stuck outlining, summarizing, etc). I wish I had gotten a PDF to use on my tablet, because the instructor manual is as big as the student book.

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It is bulky and cumbersome, but I do think it's very helpful to have. Yes, you can do without it, but I remember a post on here talking about how the teacher's guide helps you to get inside SWB's head to understand her ideas of the writing process and the rubrics are very helpful. 

One thing lacking from the teacher's guide is the actual texts the students are reading. I find this very frustrating because I then need to get the Student Book so I can read the passage for myself in order to help better.  Yes, it would make the guide even that much bigger, but I think it's much needed. 

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I didn't use it, but I'm entirely rogue. I was also using it with an older student at the time, meaning maybe some of the stuff in the tm was not essential. I didn't grade or go over the work etc. etc. I did *buy* the tm for the first volume, just didn't use it. Maybe just buy a pdf copy off WTM just to have it for yourself without the clutter?

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