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Make ahead dinners


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I need some ideas for dinner that I can make ahead and drop off with my in laws to reheat or cook later.  For 5-8 people.  My mother in law is injured and can't cook for everyone like she usually does.  I am trying to help out 1-2 times a week but it is often falling on a day where I have to be at work by 3 so i can't bring it hot unless it is in a crock pot.  So far I did chili and cornbread one day and a spaghetti casserole one day that could be popped in the oven.  Hopefully nothing too expensive since it is a crowd.  I do have a good bit of ground beef and chicken breasts in my freezer.

Only one likes lasagna so that is out.  Maybe a meatloaf?  I am out of ideas!

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How about some other kinds of soup, beef barley, chicken noodle, white chicken chili, lentil, minnestrone, etc.

Here are a couple of casseroles that we like that freeze well or could just be assembled in advance (these are just recipes close to what I make since I don't use recipes very often I just wing it.)



What about a cold salad like cooked tortillini, raw veggies, some kind of meat and/or cheese and italian dressing?

Enchilada casserole, layer tortillas with your choice of fillings ( i try for a wet and drier ingredients in each layer).  For instance, salsa or enchilada on bottom, tortilla, meat, cheddar cheese and onions, next layer beans green peppers and sour cream, third layer of salsa, corn and black olives, repeat all 3 layers cover with tortilla, salsa and extra cheese.  Use any combo of ingredients you like.

Fried rice (we also make a fried potato variation - leftover chunks of baked potatoes fried with sausage or hamburger, onions, peppers and bbq sauce)


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Meatball subs with salad would be easy. Bring a bagged salad with croutons, dressing, and some hoagie rolls. Meatballs can be served from a crock pot or made ahead and warmed in the oven. Add some chips or fresh cucumber and carrot slices on the side for some crunch.

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Baked potatoes w/ an array of toppings (sour cream, butter, shredded cheese, bacon bits, chives, even chili or broccoli) - you can bake them ahead and then they can split them open and pop them in the microwave for a quick warm up

salad bar - to go with the baked potatoes. You could either premake a salad for them (bagged greens, add sliced cukes, bell peppers, tomoatoes) or you could put the ingredients in small containers for them to mix & match on their own.


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