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Insurance prior authorization question


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I'm having surgery in a few weeks and my doctor's office requested prior authorization for 6 days in the hospital.  The insurance just approved the surgery but is only allowing for 4.  I don't want to be in the hospital longer than I need to be, but the doctor gave me specific reasons why he wants me in the hospital for 6 days and it makes me nervous being discharged earlier than he wants me to be.  Is this something that can be changed easily while I'm in the hospital - I mean, can the doctor contact the insurance company while I'm there and say I need more time than originally authorized?   I hate that the insurance company gets to override the medical professional.  

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The doctor can contact them even now to outline the specific reasons.  Or he can contact them while you are there if discharging you would be a bad idea.  Are any of the reasons he gave, things that would be helped if insurance agreed to a nurse checking in on you at home for the last couple of days? 

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16 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

 Are any of the reasons he gave, things that would be helped if insurance agreed to a nurse checking in on you at home for the last couple of days? 


I don't really know.  I'm having bowel resection surgery and the last two days were supposed to be to gradually get me to solid foods and see if my intestines could process solid food.


13 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

If you need more while you are in the hospital, the doctor/staff will contact the insurance and get more authorized.


That's good to know!  Thank you!  Especially since part of the surgery will be exploratory and I don't know how involved it will be.  

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I would call the Insurance person in the office of your doctor, today, and try to get this authorized NOW.  I would NOT wait until I was in the hospital. That would be far more stressful on the patient.

Good luck with your surgery!

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1 hour ago, Lanny said:

I would call the Insurance person in the office of your doctor, today, and try to get this authorized NOW.  I would NOT wait until I was in the hospital. That would be far more stressful on the patient.

Good luck with your surgery!


I just called (why didn't I think of that?) and was told not to worry at all about it.  She said it happens all the time and they take care of it while I'm admitted as more time is needed.  

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