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How do I advance Saxon? Can I skip a level?


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My 5th grader is finishing Saxon 6/5. He does an entire lesson in under 15 minutes (I have no idea how) and makes 100% almost every time. Some of the material is definitely new to him, but he picks up new things really quickly and can do really complicated stuff in his head.

Can we skip a level of Saxon? I know 1/2 basically repeats 8/7. Are any others repeats? What sequence should I follow with this kid?


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51 minutes ago, staceyobu said:

My 5th grader is finishing Saxon 6/5. He does an entire lesson in under 15 minutes (I have no idea how) and makes 100% almost every time. Some of the material is definitely new to him, but he picks up new things really quickly and can do really complicated stuff in his head.

Can we skip a level of Saxon? I know 1/2 basically repeats 8/7. Are any others repeats? What sequence should I follow with this kid?


Did you give him the placement test before he started?

And he's doing every single problem in each problem set?

He would not do both Alg. 1/2 and Math 87. If he completes Math 76 with at least an 80% average (which it sounds as if he will) then he would do Math 87, then Algebra 1.

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38 minutes ago, Ellie said:

Did you give him the placement test before he started?

And he's doing every single problem in each problem set?

He would not do both Alg. 1/2 and Math 87. If he completes Math 76 with at least an 80% average (which it sounds as if he will) then he would do Math 87, then Algebra 1.


We use many different maths. I do some daily during the day and my husband uses a different source in the evening. My dh wants to use an old second edition 5/4 book my with our ds. This Saxon 5/4 book seemed very simple. Is this placement test available online?

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1 hour ago, Ellie said:

Did you give him the placement test before he started?

And he's doing every single problem in each problem set?

He would not do both Alg. 1/2 and Math 87. If he completes Math 76 with at least an 80% average (which it sounds as if he will) then he would do Math 87, then Algebra 1.


We just started with Saxon 1 in 1st grade. He does every single problem of every single lesson. Generally, he likes math being easy. I'm just wondering if he's starting to get bored. I guess with how fast he is, he could probably do two lessons a day.

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44 minutes ago, arliemaria said:


We use many different maths. I do some daily during the day and my husband uses a different source in the evening. My dh wants to use an old second edition 5/4 book my with our ds. This Saxon 5/4 book seemed very simple. Is this placement test available online?



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23 minutes ago, staceyobu said:


We just started with Saxon 1 in 1st grade. He does every single problem of every single lesson. Generally, he likes math being easy. I'm just wondering if he's starting to get bored. I guess with how fast he is, he could probably do two lessons a day.

Then, yes, I'd have him do two lessons a day.

Some people have their children do the tests each day instead of a lesson, and they keep going until they either test out of that book or they reach a test where they don't get at least 80% correct, then they go back 5 lessons in the book and begin working from there.

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8 hours ago, staceyobu said:


 I know 1/2 basically repeats 8/7. Are any others repeats? What sequence should I follow with this kid?


Oh, i wanted to say that Alg. 1/2 doesn't "repeat" Math 87. Each addresses math before algebra in different ways (and I'm not mathy enough to explain that, lol).

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Do you have the test booklet?  You could give him the quizes until he does poorly then back up 5-10 lessons and start there.  I know of some families who do this at the beginning, review section, of each of the Saxon books.


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