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I'm in search of some good Thanksgiving picture books

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Know of any titles? My dc seem to prefer picture books over chapter books, but if you know of some good chapter books let me know.


I know of several that I really love.


Three Young Pilgrims

Pilgrims of Plimoth

Sarah Morton's Day and the others in the series are not so much specific to Thanksgiving Day but are Pilgrims on their land with pictures and what their life was like.

Squanto, Friend of the Pilgrims is a chapter book worth reading.

Stories of the Pilgrims is also a wonderful chapter book. Here is Rainbow Resource's description:



Stories of the Pilgrims is a living book retelling the adventures of the Pilgrims from their beginnings in England, through their life in Holland, their travel on the Mayflower and their settling of America. Each 3-5 page chapter includes 2-6 comprehension questions that are useful for review. Color pictures are scattered throughout. The interesting perspectives and happenings of the young Pilgrims are highlighted in the stories, so that students are drawn in to the history.



Hope that helps! :001_smile:

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We have several that we got from the library. I did a little research on them at Amazon before I decided on what to get. I tried to find ones that told the story accurately. I'll note which ones we've read so far.


The Thanksgiving Story by Alice Dalgliesh--read most of it; more of a chapter picture book, tells a lot about the time leading up to Thanksgiving (reasons for leaving England, the voyage & the settlers' life).


The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving by Ann McGovern--read; shorter chapter book, divided by seasons.


Thanksgiving by Miriam Nerlove--have not read yet; compares the First Thanksgiving to modern Thanksgiving.


Squanto and the First Thanksgiving by Joyce K Kessel--have not read


Thanksgiving on Plymouth Plantation by Diane Stanley--have not read; has a lot of speech bubbles.


An Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving by Louisa May Alcott--have not read; tells of a Thanksgiving day in 19th century New Hampshire.


People of the Breaking Day by Marcia Sewall--have not read; tells about the Wampanoags, how they lived, what they believed. I don't think the Thanksgiving story is in this book.


Friendship's First Thanksgiving by William Accorsi--have not read; a dog's perspective of the first Thanksgiving.


One Tough Turkey, A Thanksgiving Story by Steven Kroll--read; humorous tale of how the turkeys outsmarted the pilgrims so that they actually ate squash at the first Thanksgiving, not turkey. Edit: ok, so this one's not so accurate, but funny. And who's to say it's not true? As the book says, "Everyone just thinks they ate turkey."

Edited by gardening momma
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Here are some books that we've really enjoyed this season:



  • Thanksgiving on Plymouth Plantation by Diane Stanley
  • This First Thanksgiving Day: A Counting Story by Laura Krauss Melmed
  • Thanks for Thanksgiving by Julie Markes
  • Thank You, Sarah: The Woman Who Saved Thanksgiving by Laurie Halse Anderson

I also have a post on my blog about the Thanksgiving books we've read:


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