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Weird dream

Night Elf

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So when I woke up this morning, I was frustrated because...


I dreamed I was pregnant and me and my 1st husband were on a train. We got off at the station and had to stand in a line to get a sticker to put on our tickets so we could go claim our luggage. We were first in line but people kept pushing in front of us. Finally we got the sticker and my husband said 'follow me' then proceeded to go to the 2nd floor. Well, there were ramps everywhere to get to the second floor but they were really steep and were plexi-glass. Even using the handrail to pull myself up, I couldn't get up. I was so big and awkward. So finally I see a normal pair of stairs in the corner so I go that way. When I get upstairs, I don't recognize anything and I have no idea where my husband is. I felt abandoned, scared and frustrated. So I woke up feeling that way. Ugh! I hate when I dream about my first husband. It's rarely a positive dream.

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Oh, I have dreams like that all the time.  Not being pregnant, but the frustration of trying to get somewhere and can't get there.  I wake up exhausted and if it's the middle of the night, have a hard time getting back to sleep.  I call them frustration dreams.  


So I feel for you.  Adding in the first husband (I have one too though I rarely dream about him) makes it even worse!  

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I really hate those "what the hell do you think you're doing in my dream!" sorts of dreams. If I don't want to talk to you in my waking life, I don't want to talk to you in my dream life either. Seriously. I'm trying to sleep here!

I know right! And it really infuriates me when he is nice to me in my dreams.

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