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American History options? Something "easy"


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We do Veritas Press Self Paced History and we love it. And last year we did a study on our state, just because I think most 4th graders do...


But today when one of my 11 year olds said, "What is the constitution?" I realized that I have clearly failed somewhere!


Though now that I'm typing this out I'm wondering if it's more like government we need. I don't know... I'm just feeling like even though I like going through history chronologically, I feel like we need to throw some basic US info in there. 


I'm not looking for a huge major curriculum. Is there anything just open and go? Simple? 6th grade level...

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My suggestion is to go through the Congress for Kids website, plus either of the pair of books (Sobel or Buchanan), and then enjoy the supplements and/or other websites as icing on top. :)



Congress for Kids -- Independence; Constitution; Legislative, Executive, Judicial; Elections; Citizenship

Ducksters: U.S. Gov't for Kids -- short website articles

PBS Zoom website: Elections 101 -- election info and links



- How the U.S. Government Works; The U.S. Constitituion and You (Sobel)

- The U.S. Constitution and You; Our Government: The Three Branches (Buchanan)

- The Constitution Translated for Kids (Travis)

- My American Government series (Stevens)

   * What is a Constitution

   * What Are the Parts of Government

   * How Do We Elect Our Leaders

   * What Are Citizens' Basic Rights




- Schoolhouse Rock: 

U.S.A. Constitution Activity Book (Tallarico)

- Chester Crab Comix: Constitution Construction; and, American Symbols



Edited by Lori D.
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I'm not looking for a huge major curriculum. Is there anything just open and go? Simple? 6th grade level...

I would get a book or a series of books. Just go to your library and see what they have in the kids non-fiction section. Check their DVDs also.


Our library has a few series that cover US History for children in broad strokes. I've had The Boys read and re-read them quite a few times now. There is a set of 3-DVDS that covers the US Government also.

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Fwiw, I don't think it's that you failed. I think they just hit that age, have some developmental spurts, and are ready to argue and go at it a new way. 6th grade is really pivotal in life. So, whatever you do, bring in debate. They'll eat it up. :D


I did a 50 Debate Prompts kind of thing when my dd was that age. As far as idiotproof history that you'll like, Notgrass has America the Beautiful, but it may be too young. I don't keep up. There's a redacted version of Hakim that I picked up after someone mentioned it here on the boards. But really, find something straightforward and then DEBATE. Debate the constitution. Listen to Rush Limbaugh (whether you love him or hate him) and debate it. Read the news and debate it. They're twins, right? So have them argue against each other, hehe. 


There was a year around there that we watched through all the old Star Treks, the original series. I'm pretty sure it was some kind of study in american social development for us. We would watch and episode and discuss why they were doing that, what was going on, what allusions were made, etc. You're really coming into that stage and can do it with anything that inspires you.

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Thanks, everyone! Those are awesome suggestions.




I did a 50 Debate Prompts kind of thing when my dd was that age. As far as idiotproof history that you'll like, Notgrass has America the Beautiful, but it may be too young. I don't keep up. There's a redacted version of Hakim that I picked up after someone mentioned it here on the boards. But really, find something straightforward and then DEBATE. Debate the constitution. Listen to Rush Limbaugh (whether you love him or hate him) and debate it. Read the news and debate it. They're twins, right? So have them argue against each other, hehe. 

OMG that is a GREAT idea. They are triplets so they were born great arguers.  LOL. I have actually told them many times that I want to find a debate club for them with how much arguing they do!

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Just a thought. The easiest thing if you aren't looking for anything but a basic quick overview. Just borrow a copy of Schoolhouse Rock! from the library or watch those videos on youtube.


Making me think of "I'm just a bill sitting on Capitol Hill...."



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