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Can I get a little cheese to go with my whine? Oh, and maybe some chocolate too?

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It has been a rough day. I didn't sleep last night at all. I had about 20 things on my to-do list today and I only got about half of them done and I have been working all day. I am tired, cranky, and exhausted and irritable and just generally in a bad mood. I have had a horrible sinus headache for over a week and I am out of nightquil. I have teens who are willing to go get some for me but law does not allow. And I still have tons to do but I don't think that I could get it all done in the next 24 hours even if I gave up sleeping entirely, which doesn't agree with me. Ok, I think I am done now. Back to regularly scheduled programming. :001_smile:

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If anyone deserves a whine you do. Sounds like a really bad day. Hope you manage to get some sleep and start what is left on the list tommorrow. BTW, 10 items a day is pretty good around here. Maybe I should get a move on!


:grouphug: to you KidsHappen!

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I had a little half-caf coffee, put on some music, hit my list and knocked out a few more items. My dd made some chocolate chips muffins and the other teen headed to the store to pick me up a few items. It gave me time to reflect on how much better life has been in the last six months as opposed to the 18 months before that. I really haven't had much to complain about lately. Dh is still working, we are managing in this econmomy, kids are all doing relatively well, brother is back to work, grandbaby is fat, happy and healthy, so things are good and I am grateful. Sure there is lots to do but that's normal really for a homeschool mom of many. :)

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