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Question for low carb dieters/sugar addicts

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It took me about 3 days to get rid of the sugar cravings on my current low carb plan. My question is this: when you occasionally go off your low carb way of eating (for a holiday meal, for example), do your cravings return to square one? Do you struggle with the need for sugar all over again, or is there a residual effect from having gone low-carb for so long? Thanks!


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Mine return if I go off at all. The cravings return full force and it is a huge struggle for me to get back on track...so I try very hard to stay on plan all the time. Even a little bit off can derail me for weeks while I struggle to get back on track.


Same here.


It's not worth it, ime, to go off at all. Ever. You already know what it tastes like, right? It's just not worth it.


Stay on your plan. Be strong. You'll be glad you did!

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I'm gestational diabetic, so I'm doing the whole low carb thing. I can't go off it, of course, but the diabetes went "turbo" about a fortnight ago so I had to restrict my diet even more. I think any time you have to restrict, you go through the whole craving cycle again, whether you've gone off it altogether, or like me have just had to restrict the already restricted diet. You're lucky you only get a 3 day craving period. I usually walk around with 'food psychosis' for about a week afterwards! Also, if you change your way of eating too dramatically, you'll only spend the rest of the day with a bellyache anyway, so it really won't be worth it.


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It took me about 3 days to get rid of the sugar cravings on my current low carb plan. My question is this: when you occasionally go off your low carb way of eating (for a holiday meal, for example), do your cravings return to square one? Do you struggle with the need for sugar all over again, or is there a residual effect from having gone low-carb for so long? Thanks!



Blood sugar-wise, I can get away with a bit here and there. My readings don't return to uncontrolled levels immediately with one spaghetti dinner. But the cravings sure do.

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I agree with everyone that says stick to the diet even through the holidays. If you know you will be craving certain "must have" holiday foods, see if you cannot find a subsitute recipe. Splenda is my best friend.


Absolutely -- it's entirely possible to do a "low-carb" holiday dinner with a few simple substitutions and some portion control. We've been doing it for years and my guys are not the least bit disappointed with the offerings!


For instance, just use low-carb bread to make your stuffing and don't gorge on it. This comes to mind because I *love* stuffing! :lol: Pumpkin is low-carb -- make an almond crust and use Splenda.


My downfall is the "goodies" that are *everywhere* this time of year -- cookies, candies and the like. I just try to stay away from them. If they end up here, I have two guys who are happy to take care of them. :001_smile:

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It took me about 3 days to get rid of the sugar cravings on my current low carb plan. My question is this: when you occasionally go off your low carb way of eating (for a holiday meal, for example), do your cravings return to square one? Do you struggle with the need for sugar all over again, or is there a residual effect from having gone low-carb for so long? Thanks!


my cravings are worse right before my monthly. . . . this month, Doritos & a cinnamon roll.


I get a snack baggie & my diet pepsi and eat it really slowly. My craving is satisfied and I move on.


I have found that if I don't meet my cravings half way they overtake me and completely undo me. A set of pretty little bowls also help me feel special.


Try it, you'll know if you're in control or not. Buy a small bag and make sure nothing else is in the house.

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I have discovered Agave nectar. It is sweet, tastes fairly innocuous like mild honey, is much sweeter than sugar so you don't need much, and is low G.I. It has a G.I. of 27 (sugar is 82 I think- white bread is 100). It is actually suitable for diabetics/ low carb dieters.

I am only on a no sugar (or honey etc) diet, not a general low carb one ( I love potatoes with sour cream), but the agave gives me that sweet taste in my tea, which is really the main place I missed it. I find it easy to stay away from sugar and havent really been tempted. However low carb is too much for me and I get depressed and feel it is extreme for my system. Dropping sugar feels sooooooo good though, as I had a strong hypoglycaemic tendency.

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I have discovered Agave nectar. It is sweet, tastes fairly innocuous like mild honey, is much sweeter than sugar so you don't need much, and is low G.I. It has a G.I. of 27 (sugar is 82 I think- white bread is 100). It is actually suitable for diabetics/ low carb dieters.

I am only on a no sugar (or honey etc) diet, not a general low carb one ( I love potatoes with sour cream), but the agave gives me that sweet taste in my tea, which is really the main place I missed it. I find it easy to stay away from sugar and havent really been tempted. However low carb is too much for me and I get depressed and feel it is extreme for my system. Dropping sugar feels sooooooo good though, as I had a strong hypoglycaemic tendency.

:iagree: Agave nectar is a wonderful. I use it in coffee.

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Thanks for all the replies. I had been doing my current low-carb regimen for a couple of weeks. When I posted my original message, I had just come away from a 24 cheat. (Dinner at a friend's house, early Thanksgiving potluck at church.) I didn't go completely crazy, but did have a small dessert at both places. I thought I would have the cravings again right away, so I was surprised when I didn't. That's when I made my post on these boards. It wasn't much later that I started having a *strong* desire to eat some Hershey chocolates. I managed to stay strong, though. My momentum from the last couple of weeks was enough to do it.


I do think I'll probably cheat during the holidays, but will only plan to do so at an actual Thanksgiving meal and Christmas meal..


I'm interested in the Agave nectar idea. I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the tip!

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