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Flylady support thread for Thursday January 25 (Baby Step 25)

3 ladybugs

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Good morning Flyminds! 


Welcome to the Flylady support thread. To find out what Flylady is: http://www.flylady.net/ You can also find people on YouTube if you search for it.


We have completed the baby steps found here: http://forums.welltr...nday-october-1/

We have also completed a Building a Control Journal series found here: http://forums.welltr...-16-tue-oct-24/

If you would like to share your small accomplishments on instagram, please do so at #wtmflylady


Flylady Babysteps:

Day 1 - Shine your kitchen sink!! 

Day 2 - Dress to shoes! 

Day 3 - Exploring the Flylady’s website!

Day 4 - Write things down! 

Day 5 - Write down what you hear

Day 6 - Hot spots!! 

Day 7 - Pick out your clothes 

Day 8 - Get a ring binder and put paper in it 

Day 9 - Declutter a few minutes at a time 

Day 10 - You can do anything in 15 minutes!! 

Day 11 - Add an inspiration page to the control journal 

Day 12 - Delete emails 

Day 13 - Find a mission and do it! 

-------- The days below till the next line are links to my blog. I don't get any money from this so hopefully it isn't too tacky. 

Day 14 - Use a calendar

Day 15 - Make your bed

Day 16 - Read Flylady emails

Day 17 - Set a bedtime and stick with it


Day 18 - Learn the 11 commandments of Flying! 

Day 19 - Read testimonials 

Day 20 - Include laundry in your routines! 

Day 21 - Check out Ask Flylady or adding to the control journal 

Day 22 - Where is your control journal? 

Day 23 -  Set your afternoon routine 

Day 24 - Swish and swipe 

Day 25 - Learn how the routines developed - http://www.flylady.net/d/getting-started/31-beginner-babysteps/day-25/

Today is an education day or it is a day to just keep up the good work! YAY!

Morning Routine

  • Get up and make your bed

  • get dressed to lace-up shoes, hair, and face

  • Swish and swipe the bathroom

  • Read your FlyLady emails

  • Recognize the negative voices and change them

  • Put out your Hot Spots for two minutes

  • Five-minute Room Rescue (pick a room). Set your timer and go!

  • Spend 15 Minutes decluttering each day. You can’t organize clutter!

  • Look at your Control Journal. Your Post-It Notes remind you.

Afternoon Routine

  • Make dinner

Before-Bed Routine

  • Keep your sink shining

  • Lay out your clothes for tomorrow

  • Put out your Hot Spot.

  • Look at your Control Journal check list.

  • Time for bed. Consider yourself tucked in!

Need more inspiration?




An overview of the whole 31 days.



Advanced Flylady: 

This week the Flylady is focused on Zone 4 - Master bedroom, bathroom and closet.


Thursday - Errand Day!

Thursday at FlyLady is Errand Day. We use this day to get out and run whatever errands we need to do for the week. Make a list of wherever you need to go and whatever you need to do during the day today and then get to it. This can include:

  • Grocery shopping

  • Doctor appointments

  • Dentist appointments

  • School shopping

  • Dropping the clothes off at the cleaner

And tons of other things. If it needs to be done outside the house, today is the day to do it. Make a list of these things and check them off as you do them.

Today's Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday) Yesterday we worked on the nightstands and today we are going after the dressers. Get rid of anything that is not necessary. Instead of a pile up of cosmetics, place them in a ziplock bag and then store them in a drawer when not in use. For perfumes and colognes, toss what you no longer use and place you favorites on a pretty tray, plate or mirror. Keep this space neat and clutter free, you will love to wake up to the flat surfaces in your bedroom decluttered.
Fly Kids Mission (We only have missions Monday through Friday): Today we are going to declutter the tops of our dressers. You know how we can just pile things on our dressers and they start to get cluttered and messy? Today we are going to fix that! Let's set a timer for 10 minutes and see what we can get done! If you have things that need to be put away, put them away, if you have things that need to be thrown away - throw them away! I bet all of you can do this really fast, I think that all of you will be able to do this in less than 10 minutes!


If you are new to Flylady, please join at any time. There is no better time then now to learn to keep your house clean the easy way! 
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It's amazing that it took Flylady a year to get all her routines and zones in place and have her home company ready at any time. When I started Flylady, I wanted all of that immediately. It was hard to do one baby step a day because it seemed like I was doing so little, so why bother. But it works! In 31 days I had my control journal and routines that I followed. Over time, I did tweak the system to fit my life and I've mentioned some of those changes here. But I do think it's a good idea to start with her system so you can get a feel for what she is trying to help you with learning. :)


My zone cleaning is done for the week. Even DH pitched in and our master suite looks really nice.


Morning routine


Afternoon routine




--Laundry (This is in my routines but it's important to me so I put it here too)

--Clean laundry room (I wipe my washer and dryer really good)

--Hall bathroom tidy (sort of like a special swish and swipe)

--Sweep foyer steps and downstairs hall (I have a split level home)

--Have ds wash his bedding



--Volunteer at thrift store for 2 hours

--Chiropractic visit

--Continue dismantling Lego buildings


Dinner is steak, sweet potatoes, garlicky green beans, rolls


Edited by Night Elf
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I am here. It is sunny today so I want to go and get my street gutter clean but it is 27 degrees out so I doubt I could do that. :( Should have done it earlier in the week. 


I am out of water restrictions YAY!!! So maybe now my toilets can stop looking dirty. Today I need to focus on the bedroom. My constant battle with keeping the crib clean (horizontal surface no baby in the house yet) and we have a table that hasn't been folded down in about a month. 


I would also like to make some divinity since it is so cold out. I can't eat peanuts and so I never have candy bars really. Everything has peanuts in it. I would like to say I could make a big batch of it and freeze part of it, but I know that would be a lie. So I will say I will make some now and then try to make another batch before this one is completely out so I can freeze that. Come the summer I will not be able to make any (too humid here) so I want to have a sweet every now and then that isn't just caramel or chocolate bar. 


Laundry today is just DH's stuff so it should be easy. Need to get YDS educated. Would like to take the stuff to the vets today but I am not sure I want to make a special trip there. I might see if the kids need a walk later and do that though. 


I need ideas of something I can do that isn't reading when my kids are in German. I have access to electricity so I normally sew, (no internet) but in a couple weeks I will not be able to do that due to a Fasching celebration and a book sale (different days). DH can't even entertain me as he has his youth leadership thing for another month and a half. Right now I am praying for a placement (which seems wrong on so many levels) but that isn't a sure thing either. So what would you do to entertain yourself for about 2 hours that isn't reading?

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Ugg! DH just texted me saying he wants to eat more fish. We have been doing once a month meals. You can't do that with fish! Now I feel I need to change everything about our meal planning and go to a Mediterranean diet. We ate like that for a while. We did well on it. I would have done anything to get pregnant and that is what was required. But we stopped for some reason or another (probably me getting pregnant and having to eat everything I could). We can't be completely Mediterranean as our youngest loves pizza night every Friday. Hmm... I guess I need to figure this out. Not what I was planning to do today but we are about to do another round of once a month meals so it is best to find out now rather then after I went shopping for that! 

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Do you plan a weekly menu or a monthly menu? What does he mean by more fish? Once a week? More? I only do weekly menu plans on Saturday then get the stuff the I need during our weekly grocery shopping on Sunday morning. If there is anything I don't want to get early, I make a note on my menu to go to the store on X day to buy Y, or take out Z meat from the freezer. I type my menus and put a week on the refrigerator. If you weekly plan, you can do requested meals and throw in favorites to fill the gaps.


As for entertaining yourself for 2 hours, I used to use my Kindle when I waited on ds during a 2 hour class. I was lucky that the church we were at had wifi so was able to go to Amazon Plus or Netflix and watch sitcoms or cooking shows. When I tired of that, I played games on it like sodoku. You could always get a crossword book or multi-puzzle book that has different puzzles. 


I don't know how you homeschool. Can you plan out some lessons? Grade some papers? Write out worksheets?

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Hubby said the more fish the better. It was a text message so it is hard to say exactly what he wants. Right now though we have a pizza night every Friday. We can have something else one other time a week something special. You have fish twice a week, left over night, and he said something about salad (meal salad) that leaves just one night a week that we would use our frozen once a month meals. We typically make 30 meals right now and freeze them. They have been lasting us about 2 months but 30 meals would last a over half the year if we added fish to the mix! I don't typically go to the store once a week right now so I am not sure how this would work. We used to do Emeals to meal plan. However a full week of that was too much for our family. So maybe I need to do Emeals with 4 out of the 7 meals planned. That might work. I could also use that "order online and pick up at store" service at our grocery store. That might work. Hmmm...


Maybe I could download some movies. I think they do that on Amazon right? Lesson planning would be hard as it is all online and I just copy worksheets. 


Thank you that gives me some ideas. 

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I'm done for the day except cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen. Then I have my evening/bedtime routine. I'm tired. All I want to do is lay down and read but dinner is waiting. DH should be home any minute. I've got the prep work done so we just have to cook it all. I'm mad at myself for not running the dishwasher today. We usually run it after dinner but it is full and we'll have all our dinner dishes to clean. I'm going to stick as much as I can into the dishwasher after dinner and then hand wash the rest. I don't want to walk away from the kitchen with any dirty dishes still sitting about.

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Hello Fly friends! I did not do Babystep 4 today because last night around midnight I was deathly sick. I'm talking food poisoning sick! OMG I was so miserable 😲😷😞 Today I mostly rested in bed and nibbled bland food - toast, crackers, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs. I'm feeling considerably better so I plan to jump back in at Babystep 4 tomorrow.


3Ladybugs - Do you knit? You could work on a small project like a scarf, hat, or neck warmer.

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Oh it is so frustrating when dishes don't line up right and you have either half full dishwasher or too many dishes! I hope it wasn't too bad Beth!


Happy Girl that isn't good at all! I hope it was just a 24 hour thing. Good luck for tomorrow! 


I crochet. I guess I could work on something for that. Maybe something wool for a baby. Hmm... I will have to look in my stash and see what I could do. 


I can't believe tomorrow is Friday. This week flew by! DH will be working from home tomorrow so that will make me feel like I need to do more. This week that seems like a great thing that I need. 

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