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I know that math has been discussed many, many times on this board, but I have been off for quite some time. I have taken my 13yo son out of ps after only 7 weeks. He struggles so much in math, and Im not strong in math either. He used and passed TT Pre-Algebra last year. This year we have been using Chalkdust Algebra I with the dvds, but he struggles so much with the Algebra rules. Any opinions? I like the idea of a mastery program, but Im not sure if that is what he needs. I dont know his learning style. Maybe MUS or MEP?


Thank you in advance,


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Hang in there w/ Prof. Mosely and CD! Have you called him for advice? My ds 13 is working his way through CD Alg 1 also. Just slow down and take it slow.

I would give CD a full year before you toss it. Algebra is hard for some kids. My son doesn't love it but we make him do it.


Seriously, contact Prof. Mosely. He is great.

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I think the transition from TT to Chalkdust may be causing the problem. JMO, but Chalkdust appears to be more rigorous. TT may not have prepared him well for Chalkdust. Can you backtrack and do Chalkdust Pre-algebra?


I think there is a LOT more in CD Pre-Aglebra that could be covered prior to attempting their Algebra program.

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I think the transition from TT to Chalkdust may be causing the problem. JMO, but Chalkdust appears to be more rigorous. TT may not have prepared him well for Chalkdust. Can you backtrack and do Chalkdust Pre-algebra?


OH! That is a very good point, Stacy! CD PreAlg covers substantially more than TT Prealg. CD Alg 1 jumps right in to Algebra in the first section.

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I really don't think that you need to change programs as much as you need the CORRECT level for the program you are using. At 13 your son is probably an 8th grader? He has plenty of time for a good Algebra course.


One option I see for you is to back track and work through CD Pre-Algebra --especially the second half of the program (it will be concepts NOT covered in TT's Pre-Algebra). This would provide him with a SOLID background/foundation and allow him to become confident in Math.


Another option is to continue on with Chalkdust but meet with a Math tutor weekly--a good tutor will be able to answer questions and explain the concepts in a way that your son can understand. Even the best video lessons do not answer questions that a student with immature logic may have. Math tutoring does not have to be expensive--there are many tutors like me who just like teaching math! If your son has mastered basic math then this option would work--keeping him in Algebra 1--but it might take a few months longer since he would need to move slowly to build up basic algebra skills.


The last option (and my LEAST favorite) I see is to work through Algebra using an 'easy' program--like MUS or TT. These programs do NOT contain the same conepts or come near the depth as STANDARD Algebra 1 programs (by standard I mean US state standards and what colleges expect the course to cover). If your son goes back to PS for highschool (next year) he will not be on the same playing field as his peers.

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I think what you want to do is pick a good program and try to stick with it through multiple levels. If he did well with TT Pre-Algebra, why not use TT Algebra? Even though CD is more "rigorous" than TT, I'm a big believer in using what works for your child. If you really want to use MUS, I think that's fine as long as you really try to use the complete sequence - through Algebra, Geo and Algebra II.


HTH, Stacy

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