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iodine solution for a science fair project. Bonus points for store names in Central NJ tonight :D


For the curious, dd7 will be measuring which juice/liquid has more Vitamin C by making a solution of iodine and corn starch. We will test Water, an Ascorbic Acid solution, and then standard juices and possibly milk.


I always wanted to know this and we just found it in a Science Fair book I purchased from the Scholastic Customer Appreciation Sale. She was going to do a project with ds9 which is finding alternate power solutions - potato, lemon, lime, humans etc. to power a light and also testing with a multimeter.



Edited by girligirlmom
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As the previous poster suggested, Walgreen's is a good place. It's typically in the first aid aisle (Band-Aids, first aid creams, etc.). Tincture of iodine is in a very small bottle so it's easy to overlook. I think once I had to ask the pharmacist because they had it behind the counter, since it's poisonous.


Erica in OR

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Call some local drug stores and ask them if they have it rather than wasting the gas running around looking for it. Iodine is used in the production of methamphetamines in meth labs, and many stores and pharmacies no longer stock it for this reason.



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It depends on the strength your project calls for. Most topical solutions available OTC are now diluted (because Iodine tincture 7% was being used in drug making). You can still buy small quantities in some areas - feed stores often carry it, but in some other areas its tightly controlled and requires an RX or special license. Most places, the only thing you can get is a betadine type at .75%, probably not strong enough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You all were awesome! Dh ended up not going that night, but he bought it the next day. He initially saw the $15 bottle at Walgreen's and decided to pass. He saw a $13.99(? not sure of the change) bottle at CVS and called asking if he could just skip it. I mentioned that he should ask the pharmacist so he did. He bought it for $2.15 instead of $13.99.


Dd needed to add as many drops as necessary to change her test solution to dark blue purple so she used 24 drops and we still have plenty left over. It was iodine in alcohol but for our purposes it seemed to work well.


Anyway, the Science Fair was Saturday and dd's project was well received!

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