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Blue Apron v. Hello Fresh

Night Elf

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I've been getting Hello Fresh for months now. We like it a lot, but I'm wondering if I should try a different service. Can anyone give me a review of Blue Apron? With Hello Fresh, I like how the prep time and cook time is minimal. I heard Blue Apron takes long to prep and cook a meal. Does that mean they are using more complicated recipes? Can anyone compare the two?

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We get Blue Apron. 


The cards require you to read them all the way through before starting.  If I don't, I will often miss a buried direction and have to backtrack.  I also give myself an extra 10-20 minutes to prep.  The meals are often heavy on the vegetables, and each one has to be prepped.  They do have recipes that are not meant to take very long at all (usually 2-3 quick prep/cook veggies or something like burgers and an interesting potato dish), but the others are definitely worth the time it takes.

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I have both, and I switch back and forth between them depending on what the menu is that week.  It's easy to pause for a week or more.  It just takes a bit of planning so that you don't accidentally get both in one week.  :)  In general, I prefer Hello Fresh, although there are weeks when Blue Apron has them beat!  (And of course that's all dependent on personal taste!)

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One thing I really like about Hello Fresh is their customer service. I've had to contact them twice and they were extremely helpful both times. 


DH would prefer sticking to Hello Fresh because it's working for us but he agreed to try something new if I wanted to give something else a try. 


I wish I could get a free box of something else like Hello Fresh gives. In fact, I got 3 more codes for free boxes in my box I received today. I'm getting so many free meals but I don't know if anyone else here is interested. I've asked 3 times I think and had takers for them all.

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