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I thought we were done


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Ds has had a clear favorite since last spring. Applied early August. Got accepted, made the housing deposit. Easy application, affordable, everyone felt great about it.


This morning he applied to two more schools. ???? I guess he had been thinking about it but I had no idea. And now he needs a LOR he didn't need before. Sigh.


Still not positive what motivated it. He is still happy with the original plan but he came upon a program he wanted to check out I guess.


Just made it in under the deadlines for scholarships. We'll see. Maybe he was just bored and wanted to add some excitement to the process.

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My son wants to add a school, but he also added that he is fine with starting at CC anyway, and applying for next year.  


But we told him no more applying before visiting!  He has to either go to the campus and do a tour or attend an open house first.


We applied to one school (and he got in) and THEN did the open house.  He changed his mind once we did the open house.  He no longer wants to go there.


I remember asking on these boards if tours were necessary and many said no.  I agreed with it at the time, but now think they are a must, at least for this particular kid.


We aren't worried about scholarships for these schools as they are really hard to come by anyway, and his test scores are mediocre, so we anticipate paying full price for an in-state school.

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My son wants to add a school, but he also added that he is fine with starting at CC anyway, and applying for next year.


But we told him no more applying before visiting! He has to either go to the campus and do a tour or attend an open house first.


We applied to one school (and he got in) and THEN did the open house. He changed his mind once we did the open house. He no longer wants to go there.


I remember asking on these boards if tours were necessary and many said no. I agreed with it at the time, but now think they are a must, at least for this particular kid.


We aren't worried about scholarships for these schools as they are really hard to come by anyway, and his test scores are mediocre, so we anticipate paying full price for an in-state school.

I would have much rather toured these schools in the fall. They are much farther away than any place else he considered (one an 8 hr drive, the other 11 hours). With his dual enrollment schedule, dh's work schedule, and other dc, it takes some planning for a visit that far away. We could have jumped in the car over break now but he has to see these schools with classes in session (one school is huge) and talk to people in different departments. I really am not up for these college trips and I only want to go if he gets the acceptance and a scholarship in hand. So we hope to get that info before his spring break in march when we would like to go. I would have had these applications in months ago so we could plan a trip (or two!) with more notice. Sigh. He will still be fine to go with his original choice if that is how things work out so it will all be okay.


I would totally have preferred a different approach but I will say my ds seems to think I am super cool for entertaining his dreaming and not just saying "NO". So at least I am getting some cool supportive mom points out of the process.

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