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Opportunities for teen coders?

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Does anyone know what opportunities there are for teens who are already doing game development with Unity, C# and Blender? Are there clubs or competitions? Internships? My son has been doing this for about 6 months and wants to know what his options are.

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My son just heard about this a couple of days ago. It looks cool. Does your kid do it with a team of friends or alone?


There is a place locally where people meet up to work on stuff, but pretty much each person works on their own thing.  Once he did work on something with one other person, but that person did art work and my son did coding. 


It's pretty grueling.  He stayed up literally for 2 days straight, slept a couple of hours and then kept going for another day.


If you have any maker spaces locally, those are the sorts of places that often have coding type clubs. 

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If they are taking dual enrollment classes, some colleges have coding clubs. My dean is the faculty sponsor of two -- a game coding club and a legal hacking club. Not what you asked for, but the hacking club has corporate sponsorship and does some really amazing weekend competitions with teams.

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Oh yeah...you could look into whether or not there is a First League team in your area.  It's robotics, but there are programming opportunities involved.  It's an amazing organization with lots of scholarship opportunities.  They treat it just like a sport (they even have cheer leaders). 



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Oh yeah...you could look into whether or not there is a First League team in your area. It's robotics, but there are programming opportunities involved. It's an amazing organization with lots of scholarship opportunities. They treat it just like a sport (they even have cheer leaders).

This. The First Robotics programs are awesome and good coders are needed :)

Just be prepared it is a big time commitment.

It has completely shaped ds’s high school years, in a good way.

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