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The Friday Feels a Bit Like Monday Teachers Lounge 11-3-2016


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Hello, all! Welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme stems from that it's looking to be a crazy, hectic Friday.

Kind of like Manic Monday but on Friday. Things have already changed for this

morning and it's not even 9am!


What's on your schedule today? Here: NaNoWriMo writing, working on Directors Gifts, paying a bill or two,

running errands, and attending son's musical for the first time tonight.


What's the rest of your weekend look like? Here: tomorrow morning, probably finishing up those Directors Gifts and stressing about it,

attending son's final performance, handing out thank you gifts, and maybe  getting some NaNoWriMo writing in. Sunday is church for 3:4 of us.

Letting my son sleep in because he'll be exhausted and not really able to concentrate at church. Not gonna make him, or me, go through that!


Who has plans for Veterans Day (Nov. 11)? Here: last year I think dh and I visited several restaurants that were feeding vets for free. This year,while I might

take one of the restaurants up on that, I think I'd like to focus on having a "Coffee Hour" of sorts for our neighbors. We have so many new neighbors this year in our tiny townhouse community that I don't know them all like I used to. Time for a gathering!


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Good morning, Scrap!


Today is a regular Friday here, school, chores etc.

Just made a "pumpkin" pie to use up an overabundance of butternut squash from our CSA.


Tomorrow I will help some other parents set up for the fall dance at dd's tutorial, squeezing household chores in around the edges. Then we'll all go to the dance for a couple hours in the evening. Sunday is church and rest and some school prep for next week.


Veterans day! Dd will be marching with her AHG troop in a local parade. Not the big one downtown, but one in a smaller community where our charter organization is. That evening we will go to see a production of Oliver! The show is done by a student-run theater company near us that does a fabulous job. Homeschoolers, mostly. Likely we will see friends there in the audience too, so a highly social evening.


Theater/performance season is upon us! Between now and the end of December, we will see:

Mr. Popper's Penguins


The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (and a backstage tour!)

Keith and Kristin Getty's Irish Christmas concert

Children's choir concert

Church choir concert

Plus my kids' piano recital and ds' tutorial perfomance.


Then in the winter, we get to see The King and I.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Today we went on a field trip with our homeschool group to a little natural history museum in town. It was fun. In about an hour my mom is picking us up so I can help her watch my brother's 4 kids because they may be having their 5th today!


For the rest of the weekend... Tomorrow we have our first Thanksgiving celebration with friends. Then we're just relaxing the rest of the weekend.

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I feel tired and cranky today and I'm not sure why.   Probably hormonal, although dh has also been in a bit of a mood lately and I think that may be rubbing off.  I haven't been sleeping well.   The house is a mess and is annoying me too.  Okay, maybe I do know why.   :glare:


We were supposed to take a hike with friends today but they cancelled last night since the daughter wasn't feeling well.  We didn't bother going alone but maybe the exercise outside would've helped.  It looks like it's about to rain so we lost our chance.  It's also 70 degrees today when it was in the 30's two days ago so the weather is pretty screwy too.


Our 4-H Awards dinner is tonight.  It should be okay although the kids will get bored since none of their friends are coming.   Dd is being awarded something.  Not sure what since it has to be a county award, I didn't nominate her for anything as club leader.  Probably for her record book or her 4-H story.  


Rest of the weekend - cleaning and laundry.  Dh is taking the kids to visit his parents next weekend and I'm hoping to use that time to do some organizing/rearranging but I can only do that if the basic cleaning is done before that.


dd has a birthday party tomorrow evening that is drop off but far enough from home that I doubt I'll bother coming back.  Maybe I'll look for a Panera or similar in the area to hang out with a book.   That would be nice.  I used to do that all the time just to get a break but haven't in quite a while.


Church on Sunday with choir practice for the kids afterwards.  


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Good afternoon!  


Today was co-op, so it didn't feel like a Monday at all. We were supposed to go to a game/chili night, but it was postponed. A friend came home from co-op with ds, so they are playing video games. We may order pizza and see if they will play some board games with us. 


We don't have any big plans for the weekend. Ds has to be at church a lot Sunday afternoon/evening for his drama ministry practice and the first full run through of the Christmas program. I might do some cleaning out and organizing tomorrow.


Ds and I will be volunteering at a local ministry on the 11th. It's something his discipleship group planned. 



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On top of everything else I need(ed) to do today, my daughter called me to say she saw a dog wandering the streets near our home so chased it so she could catch it!

He looks like a mix of basset hound, pit, shepherd, and few other breeds possibly. He's healthy and super sweet but I have no desire in fostering et al. and I really DO NOT have

time for this today!

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