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The Mixed Up Brain Files Teachers Lounge 10-17-2017


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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that as the morning seems to get away from me, I'm mixed up as to what I should vs. what I really want to do FIRST.

I'd really like to get away for a bit this morning and do my own studying but I also know that if I get out of the house, not much will get done in the way of school 

work by my kids. Urgh. What to do, what to do. Maybe a better question is, what am I willing to not get done this morning?


Anyone else's mind a whirling dervish of indecision today? here: see above.


Did I tell you I couldn't find my glasses yesterday, or Sunday? Here: talk about annoying! And I need them to drive, which means I didn't go anywhere yesterday. This could be why my whole body is screaming at me to GO somewhere right now. I don't do well being at home all day more than one day at a time.


Anyone have/having yard/garage sales lately? here: been thinking about it but I really don't like the return on the effort! So this week I announced to my facebook crowd that I've decided to give away one book a day to anyone who's willing to come meet me at my house for coffee. Genre, but not title,  can be requested but is not guaranteed. I've already had a couple of people take me up on that. Figured this was a much more FUN way of offloading my books! ;-)


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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Great idea re: book coffee give away! 2 birds with one stone. Maybe even 3 birds, depending on your coffee requirements for the day :)


Yeah, I'm having a bit of "Want to do photographs, NEED to get these kids on task" type of days. So far neither is really working out. I've gotten through core subjects but none of the fun stuff for them so no one is satisfied. 


Yes to yard sale. Probably in January. Will be just about everything in the house. Maybe not a great return compared to what I purchased the stuff for, but if someone else buys it at least I'm saving myself the fee/trouble of taking it to the dump, and recycling is better. So I'll do it and just look at it in a "at least I'm not paying them to take it" way, lol. 

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We will probably wait to list in January, one last Christmas in the house. Listing right now is still an option, but seems like a lot of hassle -- holidays and busy season for work are at the same time. We'll make that decision within a couple weeks. Hope to sell in ~1 month (1-3 weeks is average for our area at the moment), probably 1-3 months living with family as we finish up purchase/update/setup of the RV (living with MIL, so hopefully just 1 month, lol). I'd like to leave right after Easter, but am aware we may be here until June. 

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Good morning, all!


Today's theme stems from the fact that as the morning seems to get away from me, I'm mixed up as to what I should vs. what I really want to do FIRST.

I'd really like to get away for a bit this morning and do my own studying but I also know that if I get out of the house, not much will get done in the way of school 

work by my kids. Urgh. What to do, what to do. Maybe a better question is, what am I willing to not get done this morning?


Anyone else's mind a whirling dervish of indecision today? here: see above.


Did I tell you I couldn't find my glasses yesterday, or Sunday? Here: talk about annoying! And I need them to drive, which means I didn't go anywhere yesterday. This could be why my whole body is screaming at me to GO somewhere right now. I don't do well being at home all day more than one day at a time.


Anyone have/having yard/garage sales lately? here: been thinking about it but I really don't like the return on the effort! So this week I announced to my facebook crowd that I've decided to give away one book a day to anyone who's willing to come meet me at my house for coffee. Genre, but not title,  can be requested but is not guaranteed. I've already had a couple of people take me up on that. Figured this was a much more FUN way of offloading my books! ;-)


Talk to me! :bigear:


Indecision?  No, not really.  It's not that I can't decide what of my huge to-do list I should do first, it's that I don't feel like doing any of it.  I had to get up super-early to drive dh to work today since one car is in the shop.  Then I got a call from the vet that our dog is positive for Lyme so I had to run by there and pick up a prescription.   I did manage to get school setup so the kids can do at least the basics this week.  I need to get off my behind and do history and spanish and writing projects.  I'm not worried about science since I'm making the kids take my classes.


A few things on my list have firm deadlines so I really should get in gear.


We should have a yard sale but we have to do it at my mother's house if we do.  We're on a deadend street in a deadend neighborhood and don't really have any place to hold it.  Gravel driveway with tiny garage at the street, no off street parking and very narrow street.  Not a good set-up.  I think we did one about 3 years ago and didn't do that well so the effort of hauling crap over their is barely worth it.  We just donate everything.

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Mind: I'm on some meds for my bronchitis that are making me very jittery, so my mind is all crazy today lol


Glasses: That would be very annoying.


Yard Sales: We can't have one where we live.  It's a gated community with 17 houses so it wouldn't be very well attended.  And they are prohibited by the HOA rules anyway.

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Hi Scrap, Butter, Moonhawk and Where's Toto,


No indecision here today. Today has been very productive so far. See my list on the tackle thread.  ;)

Glasses! I am nearsighted and also cannot drive without them. I hate not being able to see! Wish I'd gotten lasik when I was younger. 

Yard sales? Nope. Our stuff mostly goes to Craigslist, a large consignment sale, or straight to the thrift shop. 


Glorious fall day here. Cool air, warm sun. 

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Hi Scrap, Butter, Moonhawk and Where's Toto,


No indecision here today. Today has been very productive so far. See my list on the tackle thread.  ;)

Glasses! I am nearsighted and also cannot drive without them. I hate not being able to see! Wish I'd gotten lasik when I was younger. 

Yard sales? Nope. Our stuff mostly goes to Craigslist, a large consignment sale, or straight to the thrift shop. 


Glorious fall day here. Cool air, warm sun. 


I did get LASIK around 2006. I was glasses-free for seven wonderful years! And then my eyes decided they wanted to be nearsighted again, I guess,

 so here I am with glasses once more.  :tongue_smilie:  However, unlike my eyesight before LASIK, at least now I don't need to wear them ALL the time. Just in dim lighting

and for driving. At home I don't need them.

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