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Non hormonal menstrual help


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One of my daughters is having serious problems with her cycle. Heavy bleeding, feeling sick 1-2 days a month, nausea, dizziness....


This has been ongoing for at least 3 cycles.


What are our options?


I'd prefer to avoid hormonal birth control. She has an extreme personality, and she actually has been doing really well with managing her moodiness related to hormones. I don't want to mess with that.



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I would make an appt with an OB/GYN and have a pelvic ultrasound to rule out cysts, fibroids, etc. Dd just had one and it was non-invasive if you catch my drift. 


We did start a very low dose contraceptive because her doctor thinks the symptoms match endometriosis. Ultrasound was normal. Not crazy to go that route but am hoping this helps with extreme moodiness and abdominal pain that we can't figure out. 


Good luck! 

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FWIW, my oldest takes Lo LoEstrin, which is (I think) the lowest dose HBC you can take, and she's been fine on it. The next step up was too much and gave her mood swings. It's the kind you REALLY have to take at exactly the same time every day if you want it to work as birth control, but for managing periods, it's worked just fine. A friend's daughter, who is 18 and who has the same kind of personality your oldest has (in fact, I used to think of her every time you posted about your oldest!), is doing fine on regular LoEstrin. 


Just in case you end up having to go that route...

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Sounds like she might have endometriosis. A mostly-vegan diet *drastically* reduced my cramping and nausea. Dairy seemed to be the main culprit, followed by red meat. See:



Aha! Thanks for this. Very clear explainations of how it works

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So my next question is this...


Suppose we do a radical diet change. She's already slim. She does NOT need to loose weight. At all. Loosing any will put her in a TOO THIN zone. She's already in size 4 jeans. She needs fat to stay satisfied. She needs high protein to keep her blood sugar at good levels.


And she's the type to skip meals if there;s not much appealing in the house, feel crappy, be angry and unhappy and be suddenly surprised when a snack makes her feel better.


So a major diet change must be thought out very carefully!


Is it possible to be high protein and vegan? Vegan with a decent amount of fat to avoid weight loss?

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I am actually allergic to all meats except fish now. Yes it is possible to be vegan/vegetarian and get protein and fats. Nuts and avocados are good fats. Beans (hummus!), seeds, greens, buckwheat can also give you protein as well. 


I guess where I get hung up is the fact that our family is SO incredibly active. Like miles and miles walked per day.


All the vegetarian/vegan people I know are more sedentary.


And when I try to cut back on animal fats and proteins eating nuts and seeds for protein, I am hungry/hangry ALL THE TIME.


So it's hard for me to picture it working for an active teen with a raging metabolism.

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I've trained for a marathon with this diet. Yes miles and miles and miles. And yes I was very thin. It just means you have to eat and eat all the time. 


I do not have endometriosis. That was checked. Not saying it couldn't be that for your dd.


Ok thanks for that input.


Like I said, I know many overweight older people who rave about the benefits of vegetarian/vegan but the whole time I'm thinking..."ok, but do you know how active we are?"


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No problem.  I'm a little more like that now than I used to be. 4 kids and mental health issues in my family (not me) to deal with has kept me from working out as much as I'd like, so I am a little fluffier now. But I did do it as a skinny active person too, it works, you just have to be a little more thoughtful about it or you end up eating nothing but carbs.

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