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Need math suggestion...switching from mastery to spiral


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I've decided to make a switch. My 7 yo dd hates math and I feel like we're getting behind. We started with Singapore in K (we got half way through 1A), and she did well...then I did some research on math mastery, and was sold on MUS. My older dd did well with MUS (she was drowning in Saxon when I switched, and is not good at math) so I figured it would be just fine...So I switched the whole house to MUS, based on the fact that it was a mastery program. Big mistake, I think! Well, dd got annoyed with the blocks and was bored. Everyday she complained about doing math. My 12 yo ds disliked MUS and asked to switch back to Saxon... (We did, and he is now in Algebra and doing great). So this year, I dropped MUS and tried a workbook approach with no manipulatives, Developmental Math, also a mastery program... Everyday is a struggle to get her to do math (I know part of it is character) but she will gladly do other subjects. She totally gets the concepts. I'm just wondering if I should switch, possibly back to Singapore before we get further behind. I'm looking for something that doesn't have manipulatives, that is spiral and will keep her interest. She has trouble sitting still and is easily distracted. Any opinions would be helpful. Thanks for listening! :)

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We are using MEP.




I didn't like the spiral approach that Saxon took because the lessons didn't always go with the worksheets. On the Saxon worksheets there would be a few problems of addition, a few of subtraction, a word problem, and a clock. MEP seems to focus on one skill for a week and then will switch to another skill. So it does spiral but it focuses also.


I hope that makes sense. There are no manipulatives to buy and its a free program. You just have to print it.



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I prefer Rod & Staff math. We used Math U See for the early years grades 1&2, then we kind of skipped around for grade 3 trying to find a better fit. My daughter wasn't showing her full potential in math using the Math U See. So, we tried Rod & Staff this year for 4th grade. I belive we are seeing much improvement in this area, as well as in using their English. It is a very rigorous program utilizing oral drill, written drill (which we substituted with the FlashMaster machine), and lots of written problems, which include review. I think this is a spiral approach, but I'm not sure. I think it's just the most logical approach to math - oral, written, new material, and review material. Makes sense to me, IMHO, and seems to be working.


Also, in the early years I would suggest sitting with your dc to work one on one with her. I'm beginning to realize in this homeschool journey that it's really important in the early years to sit with your child as much as possible with the basic three R's. This reminds me, I better get back to it - we still have math to do.


Oops I just noticed your children are much older than mine. Sorry for the advice to sit with your young kids, you've already experienced those young years several more times than I have. ;)



Edited by JenniferB
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I've decided to make a switch. My 7 yo dd hates math and I feel like we're getting behind. We started with Singapore in K (we got half way through 1A), and she did well...then I did some research on math mastery, and was sold on MUS. My older dd did well with MUS (she was drowning in Saxon when I switched, and is not good at math) so I figured it would be just fine...So I switched the whole house to MUS, based on the fact that it was a mastery program. Big mistake, I think! Well, dd got annoyed with the blocks and was bored. Everyday she complained about doing math. My 12 yo ds disliked MUS and asked to switch back to Saxon... (We did, and he is now in Algebra and doing great). So this year, I dropped MUS and tried a workbook approach with no manipulatives, Developmental Math, also a mastery program... Everyday is a struggle to get her to do math (I know part of it is character) but she will gladly do other subjects. She totally gets the concepts. I'm just wondering if I should switch, possibly back to Singapore before we get further behind. I'm looking for something that doesn't have manipulatives, that is spiral and will keep her interest. She has trouble sitting still and is easily distracted. Any opinions would be helpful. Thanks for listening! :)


I do Saxon a few days a week for each of my children, and a mastery program (Singapore) for 3 days a week. It's a nice balance. The drill and repetition from Saxon, and the mastery approach from Singapore.


I have not used MUS, so I won't comment on it. ;)


Perhaps you could combine the best of two different curriculums that have worked for you...one as spine and one to supplement with. In our case we do different combinations.


It really depends on the child and what you are comfortable doing as to which curriculum(s) would work best.

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Thanks ladies... Well, I picked up Singapore 1A (which she actually started at the end of Kinder) and just started doing lessons. She enjoyed it and said it was fun! :lol: I was so excited! She asked how many exercises she finished today, which was 3, then enthusiastically said she will do 3 a day from now on... So I guess this is my answer for now! I'm going to order book 1B. I'm thinking can work right through summer and catch up to grade level. Thanks again!

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