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Accountability Thread 9/10-9/16

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Almost the half-way point in September, y'all. I just checked my writing goals for the month and I'm ahead in one place, behind in others. I foresee a long day of editing, writing and reading today. I've also got a watercolor project that I really need to splash some color on today. There's the usual laundry, cooking and picking up to do as usual.

I also need to plan out the upcoming week. That will probably take priority this morning so that I can work all afternoon on writing and painting.


ETA: For anyone wondering what this thread is about, it's just a place to come and post your plans, hopes, dreams and pie-in-the-sky for the week, and update them by the day if you choose.  :001_smile:

Edited by Critterfixer
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We've got an emotionally charged week coming up--MIL's funeral on Tuesday and dh's youngest brother's wedding on Wednesday. Fortunately they are in the same area and we don't have to travel far.


I've got paperwork stuff to take care of, decisions to make about children's activities for the coming year, and a storage shed to order--been sitting on that for a couple of weeks trying to figure out size and features for maximum use at minimum cost, I've almost made a decision. This is my newest battle campaign in the war to make a small house fit a large family--move some of the stuff outside. A shed is cheaper than an addition to the house (or a new house!)

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Maize, I'm so sorry about your MIL. Congratulations on your BIL's wedding! We are having trouble with our vehicle so need to find out what's wrong, get it fixed and do it before piano on Wednesday and co op on Thursday. I also need to revamp my co op class, I think I'd like to try and finish the book in 18 weeks, which means, we need to do more chapters each week, it'll stretch the kids, especially my boy but, I don't necessarily think that's a bad idea. We are off school tomorrow except, piano practice, because it's oldests birthday, they opted to work on Saturday so we could have the actual day off.

Edited by mama25angels
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Oh maize, I'm sorry about your MIL. Take care of yourself this week. It's so easy to put yourself last with so much intensity on your husband's side of the family.


DH took my oldest hunting so I can't plan much for school for him. They could be back tomorrow evening or stay until weds night, depending on if they get lucky or not. I have a cold with a very sore throat so I'm going to take it easy and do art, math games and handwriting with the younger set but otherwise take it easy.

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My condolences Maize.


Bought one of those books that you can write in and erase, for DD4 to practice writing her numbers. It's for her to do when she wants. She wanted to this morning and did several on her own.


Read different sections from the Core Knowledge Series.


Listen to music and played.


Cartoons and breakfast


Done multiple audio books


Done BP and Ray's lesson.


She read Bob book.


More read alouds at bedtime.

Edited by Mommyof1
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Good morning.

Today's schedule:

French-Lesson 2

Latin-continue Unit 3 review, vocabulary cards

Math-Lesson 14, 1 pg Key to Measurement

Writing-WWS Week 21, Day 1, get spelling words from model, exercise in KISS grammar (subjunctive mood)

Literature-re-read one of the essays at the front of the book and discuss (because I think I can make it much, much more applicable to their fiction writing)

History-read the introduction and reproduce the maps on blanks

Science-read unit 1 sec 2, Scientific Inquiry, questions

Geography-continue unit 1 questions


I fully expect to embrace my title of Evil Overlord today. :D

For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Housekeeping, Cooking

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My schedule:


Get ds7 to school and dd14 to seminary (LDS youth religious education class).


Come home and tackle laundry and supervise some schoolwork.


When dd14 gets home go shopping for clothes--I realized some of my kids don't have what they need for the funeral and wedding.

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My littles each did math and handwriting. Now they are working on an Ed Emberly book of fingerprint characters. Super cute little scenes being created on my kitchen table. Baby and toddler are down for their nap. This beautiful little moment of calm almost makes up for the chaos that was wake up through the start of art time lol.

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Good morning.

Today's schedule:

French-Lesson 2, review vocabulary, translation and grammar

Latin-Unit 3 review continued, review grammar

Math-Lesson 15, 1 page of Key to Measurement

Writing-WWS Day 2, practice spelling words, sentences, KISS grammar exercise

Literature-reading "How to Mark a Book"

Science/History-swap from yesterday

Art-painting pumpkins project from last week


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Painting, Housekeeping, Writers' Meeting tonight.

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Good afternoon ladies, we had no internet this morning so had to wait to post. We did no school yesterday because we worked Saturday so we could have it off. The morning started off rocky with the 4th grader, he spent most of the morning crying every time I asked him to do something. In between the crying jags he got his spelling, Latin, math and most of his literature done. The older one has gotten his science, math and his Latin quiz done and all with a good attitude. We've gone for our run/walk and now we're preparing for our afternoon sessions.

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DH and DS9 are sill hunting. They got ptarmigan but are still looking for caribou.. Or moose or bear if they find one of those first. Not much school planned for the little two today. It's super nice not to have the pressure of "real school".

I do have a French lesson scheduled for my 2 year old.. I booked a different teacher every day this week to see if we can find one to work with him. His french is really dropping off compared to English and I want him to be ready to do CNED (French correspondence school) when he gets to preK age. He just needs another regular contact besides me, and I don't have anyone I can ask right now. Hopefully one of them works out.

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Good morning. Halfway there!

Today's schedule:

French-vocabulary hunting today in 1000 French Words

Latin-continue Unit Review


Writing-WWS Day 3, Spelling practice, sentences, grammar exercise

Literature-Introduction, questions

History-Cp 1, questions

Science-Intro to Lab Safety, questions

Geography-US States and Capitals review


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Grammar, Editing, Housekeeping

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Good morning all!  Our schedule for today is


Morning Time




Piano lesson

History (for older one)

Science (for older one)


I need to spend some time with the older one on Independent and dependent clauses because he just couldn't seem to grasp it yesterday.  He's also been having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, i'd hate to have to give him an earlier bedtime again.

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We did pretty well today. DD decided she'd finish 2/3 of a light unit in exchange for one day off math and being allowed to bake a cake. I agreed, not thinking she'd do it, but she did. I had planned to make the cake anyway to celebrate the end of the Cassini mission early tomorrow morning. So we ended up making a great Saturn/Cassini cake. DS did the normal. He had trouble focusing today after his fun trip but I'm sure tomorrow will be even better for him.

Tomorrow DD will just have L/A to finish for the week. DS9 has a bunch that I had planned but we obviously won't finish a weeks worth of work in two days so I'll just see how long he can hold out.

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Good Morning,


It's a super busy day today, that starts really early. So I'm shooting for:


Audio books in the car on way to library - done


Audio book while playing with playdoh as Mommy has coffee, and she eats breakfast while I post here. -Done


Story time at the library, she plays with the kids, drop off and pickup new stuff.-Done


Dd ride her bike. Recess you know.- Done


Spelling a few words, orally, in the car.- Done


Bedtime Math and read aloud's at bedtime.

Edited by Mommyof1
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:toetap05: Happy? Did you prep for your science lesson? :D


Good Friday!

Today's schedule:

French-Les Portes Tordues and a quiz on First Start French

Latin-intro to subjunctive mood

Math-Lesson 2, Key to Measurement

Writing-WWS Day 4, spelling test, KISS Grammar

Literature-prep work for Rip Van Winkle

History/Science-swap from yesterday


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Grammar, Editing, Housekeeping, Cooking


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Good morning!


Happy, get that science lesson prepped right now missy! Lol!


Oldest will be finishing his lessons from yesterday




Science (begin his assignment for next weeks)

History (begin assignment for next weeks class)

Logic (finishing this)


Youngest completed everything this week so we'll do


Music practice

Art lesson (may do this tomorrow)

Math lesson

Spelling test

Free reading

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