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Accountability Thread: 9/3-9/9

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Welcome to the first full week of September. 

Do I have my school plans in place? Nope.

Do I have my housekeeping routines set for fall? Nope

Do I have plans for how I'm supposed to edit, write, research and keep up with my reading this fall? Nope.


Well, now I know what I'm going to be doing today and tomorrow. :D

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Welcome to the first full week of September.

Do I have my school plans in place? Nope.

Do I have my housekeeping routines set for fall? Nope

Do I have plans for how I'm supposed to edit, write, research and keep up with my reading this fall? Nope.


Well, now I know what I'm going to be doing today and tomorrow. :D


Lol, I know you critter, you'll get it done!

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Good morning! Home from church because it's my turn to have stomach problems, sigh, I'm hoping it's only 24 hours for me the way it's been for everyone else.


I don't have my lesson plans done either

My housekeeping routines are not done

I don't even have a list of what I want to read this fall


But, I shall begin school next week nevertheless, lol. And now for a humorous homeschool moment, guess what I bought yesterday? You guessed it, a laminator! Now, don't ask me why after homeschooling for umpteen years without one, I couldn't resist the one I found on sale yesterday!

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I did get my list of work for next week written up last night. So I'm starting without a plan, just a general idea of what I want to do and where I think we'll go in six weeks.

The main thing I want to do with my personal plans is to designate a reading time to go with my writing time. So far I only get the opportunity to read at night, and I'd like to spend a lot more time reading during the daylight hours this year.

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Good morning critter! We won't be doing any formal lessons today either, I will be introducing them to their new books, the ones I have anyway, and going over my expectations for the year again. I will also spend the day planning and getting housekeeping done, especially the laundry that backed up over the weekend. I need to do an Amazon order and a grocery order.

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Good morning!


Today's plan: attend Fundraising Zumba class to check out this teacher, and maybe the hosting dance academy for beginning ballet for DD13, then more visiting with family at ILs' house for the weekend


This week's plan:  Some of our packages have been delayed due to Harvey, and I don't have all of my kids' subjects sussed out yet.  This will be a partial week in more ways than one.  That said:

  • Start Lit, grammar, vocabulary.
  • Start DD13 on Algebra 1.  DD16's Geometry must either wait for the books to come in, or DH and she must decide to start with Khan Academy.
  • If today works well start both DDs and me on Zumba 3 times a week.
  • Fine Arts Wednesdays start -- two art classes plus music class all start this week.
  • dentist appt for one DD
  • start DD16 on Anki and get her making French pronunciation flash cards
  • look into driver's ed
  • Start the DDs on setting Flylady habits
  • Start DD16 on U.S. Government.  Start DD13 on U.S. history before 1877.
  • Suss out the science plans for the year.
  • continue DD13's Akido
  • start discussions of cooking lessons for the kids

Oh, yeah, and today only Craftsy has a watch-for-free day in which people can watch all of their instructional videos (streaming online) for free.  Must get the DDs looking these over to see if some of the classes would make good Christmas presents.



ETA:  I forgot to add for the week:

  • have everyone catch up on their laundry
  • inventory (and remove out-grown) clothes of the kids' so I can make sure they have enough appropriate exercise clothes and such
  • After the cool front comes through get outside and ENJOY the cooler, drier weather!


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Daddy is home today and is switching work schedules as of tomorrow. Going back to mornings. :)


A nature walk as a family and flower picking.


She read some sidewalk chalk words and reviews some phonograms, on our walk.


Time at the park


Time outside playing with sidewalk chalk and painting.


Later, possibly a visit with family.


Read aloud's and the white board (writing & drawing) together with Daddy at bedtime.

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We're not doing school today. DH had a nice four day weekend and I am heartbroken to see him go back to work. We've hardly seen each other this summer and it doesn't look like his workload and travel will let up until Thanksgiving. :(

We did read some Horrible Histories with DS9. I think maybe they are too horrible for us. We shelved the WW2 one for now. Going to read a little Murderous Maths in a few minutes, which hopefully is slightly less serious. And I'll probably have ds do TTRS. Kids of a lot for a so called non-school day but whatever :)

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Good morning! First day of fall quarter. I got the cabinet cleaned out at the eleventh hour, and I have a plan, even if it's mostly ideas in my head at the moment.


Today's schedule:

French-First Start French, Lesson 1, vocabulary

Latin-Unit 3 Review, grammar recitation, 1 page workbook

Math-Lesson 11

Writing-Creative Writer Level 3, Week 1, exercise

Literature-MP Poetry and Short Stories, notes, introduction to the student

History-Human Odyssey 2, Prologue, questions

Science-Prentice Hall Physical Science, Cp 1, Section 1, questions

Art-Pumpkin project for watercolor on Thursday, reading in Story of Painting


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Writing, Housekeeping, a smidgen of cooking, Writers' Meeting

Tomorrow--we river. :D


ETA: Boys rotate history and science, like we did last year.

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Good morning!


Critter that's a good sound plan.


Happy, my boys do the same thing.


Well, today is our first official day and I'm excited, I'm anxiously waiting for them to finish with their morning routine so that we can do morning time and get on with the day. You ladies would be so proud of me, I've gotten a load of laundry folded already, a load in the machine, the dishwasher unloaded and reloaded and my books are next to me ready to go. How long do you think I'll be able to keep it up? Lol!

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Good Morning


Read Aloud's


Math- Ray's Arithmetic lesson 7. Questions 1&2. Only 5 problems. Done orally only.

She also had to put the number cards in order 1-20. It's all easy review for her. Reviewing time analog and digital, the hour and the half.


Blend Phonics for 1st Grade. Unit 1, 1/4 of the unit. Short vowel "A" words, which is review. Done on the white board.


She completed BP PrePrimer last year.


Reviewing Alphabet Fluency by Don Potter. Just helps her recognize cursive and manuscript, capital vs lower case letters.


Audio books while painting and playing.


The math and blend phonics together took a total of 5 mins, if that.

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Oh, yeah, and today only Craftsy has a watch-for-free day in which people can watch all of their instructional videos (streaming online) for free.  Must get the DDs looking these over to see if some of the classes would make good Christmas presents.



Did you watch Craftsy yesterday? I spent about an hour last night watching crochet videos. And then I discovered Man About Cake. Oh my word, he is so funny. And his cakes are gorgeous. 



We had a weekend filled with fun, family, and friends. I really could use today off to regroup but such is not the case.


Took DS to his DE class. Went for a fitness walk and read my book while he was in class.


Took care of a bunch of admin stuff.


We start math and US history today. I have to organize some things for history, so we will launch it this afternoon.

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Did you watch Craftsy yesterday? I spent about an hour last night watching crochet videos. And then I discovered Man About Cake. Oh my word, he is so funny. And his cakes are gorgeous. 



We had a weekend filled with fun, family, and friends. I really could use today off to regroup but such is not the case.


Took DS to his DE class. Went for a fitness walk and read my book while he was in class.


Took care of a bunch of admin stuff.


We start math and US history today. I have to organize some things for history, so we will launch it this afternoon.



DD16 hogged my computer to watch every Man About Cake episode they had.  Works for me, because she got to enjoy them and that's one less course I'll end up buying (in the near future).  I pooped out before it was my turn to watch Craftsy stuff.

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DD16 hogged my computer to watch every Man About Cake episode they had.  Works for me, because she got to enjoy them and that's one less course I'll end up buying (in the near future).  I pooped out before it was my turn to watch Craftsy stuff.

I had never heard of him until last night. It is hard to tell what you have to buy from craftsy versus what is on his YouTube Channel.

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We may or may not get to school today. Dentist appointments are at 2. Huge anxiety for DS9.(The dentist knows, we'll be taking about options more than anything) He's already hiding and sulking. I'm hoping he'll get it out and take a nap even before we have to go. I am not pushing anything. I might even reward him for going with no school, no minecraft restrictions all day tomorrow.

My other two, we are having a slow start but will probably play math games for a while which will feel sufficient for K and 1st.

It's so funny to me that because of time zone we are just getting started when many of you have finished your day.

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I am really liking the planning template I found. It's just a really generic table, 5 day week, seven subject blocks. I printed out dated pages for each of the kids, put them in a 3 prong folder, one for each, and it's making it very easy for me to visualize it all and think it through.

Please tell me where you found it? I need one for older ds.

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It's in Microsoft Word, when you click on New. It's just called Weekly Assignment Sheet. It's really nothing more than a table of 35 square spaces, with date labels across the top and subject labels down the left side. But it's just a really good visual for me. I printed them out and then I am writing in them, but you could certainly type it in then print the sheet out if that works better for you.

Dang it! I don't have word!

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Woohoo! He did it. Four kiddos with clean teeth (and one with no teeth hehe). I bribed him with another day off school tomorrow and 20 diamonds in Habitica, the RPG to do/task list that we use for him. He even smiled a few times and let the dentist take out his two very very wiggly teeth. The dentist was awesome; I think the best I've ever met for building rapport.

So, no school tomorrow for the reward but I am not too worried because we did at least a half day on labor day and we often go 6 days a week. I'll sneakily make up the work on Saturday :) I'll use the day to get a few things done - I'm aiming for one chapter in AOPS Alg for me, building a fire pit, studying Russian and writing a few paragraphs to a few pages in French depending on how tired I am.

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Did math and phonics in bed after DH left for work this morning.


She spent time drawing or writing whatever she wanted on white board. While we listened to the Bible.


She isn't interested in Read Alouds this morning.


Asked for cartoons and breakfast.


She is having a friend over this morning to stay and play for the day.


Will have Read Alouds with Dad at bedtime.


I'm debating on cleaning the house but with two active 4 yr olds around, what's the point.

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No school today. Field trip.

So, where ya going? Have an awesome time!


Today has started slightly rocky but it's better now and I'm praying the rest of the day runs smoothly. Our schedule for today is Latin, math, spelling, composition, literature, classical studies for younger boy and US History for the older one. I'm hoping to get a piano guitar lesson in today if not, we'll just practice at home. I'm thinking of pulling out the recorders again as well.

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We went up north and spent all day relaxing beside a river. And on it. And in it. :001_smile:  I told DH that if I ever end up on a road with a river like that at the end of it, to never expect that I'll do a single thing at home. Just go down to the river and you'll find me there.

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I think I probably should have gotten the solutions manual for AOPS Intro Alg. This is so embarrassing but I spent all day mulling over the last three problems in chapter 3. I assume there is a way to solve them without the quadratic equation but I'll be darned if I can think of it.

It poured rain so I didn't actually build the fire pit. If I get my kids to bed before 9 I'm running to the big box store for the bricks so I can build it tomorrow. As for Russian and French writing, I did a nominal amount. Kinda wasted the time I could have done more listening to Hillbilly Elegy on audiobook.

The kids were actually less impressed with a day of electronics than they thought they'd be. I think they'll be glad to go back to school tomorrow. DS9 has lessons 9 & 10/quiz for CLE math tomorrow. TTRS, handwriting, Treasured Conversations, and Astronomy. Dd6 has math games, handwriting, MCT Island grammar (a.k.a. Her bedtime story). DS5 has two pages of 100EZ, and a couple pages of SM 1A, maybe he'll also do handwriting. If it's nice out, I'll send them to the park at lunch time. If it's rainy again, we'll try to make progress through the read alouds.

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Good Morning,


Taking DH to work so we have the car.


Listen to children's audio books on our car ride.


Go to library to drop off and pick up.


Go bike riding and visiting friends


Play at the park


Play at the toy store and do drum circle.


Pick Daddy up


Do math and phonics with DD


Read Aloud's and use the white board to draw or write before bed with Daddy

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Good morning. We all slept in about thirty minutes. I don't know about the boys, but I was still tired from boating yesterday.

Today's schedule:


Art-watercoloring pumpkins today

Latin-continue the unit 3 review lesson

Math-Lesson 12

Literature-continue reading the introductory material for the course


For me: Art, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Writing, Housekeeping, Library

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Good morning everyone, today is our first day of co op and I'm so nervous! This is my first time actually teaching other people's kids for an actual credit and I want to make sure I do a good credit worthy job. Our schedule today is morning time, Latin, math and literature, co op this afternoon, piano and guitar practice. I hope today goes better than yesterday, older Ds was not happy, his day ran until 4, of course, if he'd read his instructions and follow them we'd have no problems. Also, thinking of buying younger Ds an acoustic guitar, he has one of the First Act kids guitars but it's so old, his teacher doesn't even know if it can be tuned. The electric one we have for him doesn't have an amp yet and I was thinking that I could also use the acoustic one. It's used but in new condition and not very expensive, its Spectrum brand.

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Oh my goodness! It was not a bad day but not the best either, we were on the ball and got morning time, math and Latin done for both boys. The younger and I finished up grammar after an early lunch. We prepared to go to co op, we loaded up the truck with donations for the hurricane victims and the truck wouldn't start! Of course, I'm in a tizzy now because this is our first day of co op. I thought I was going to miss but I decided to take my sons car which is a stick and I hate driving a stick but, I did it. I was late but we made it to co op and the boys loved their classes.

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School got done today but very little curriculum. That was totally fine. DS9 covered writing/typing and spelling by writing a story at the computer. DD6 dictated a story and did a mountain of flash cards by choice, rather than math games. She's weird :-p. DS5 worked on skip counting by 2's and 5's to 100, read some words off the white board, and wrote his brother a super nice letter practicing handwriting for his name and then dictating the rest. Then the kids made businesses and hired each other as employees. I made them pay each other in percentages so that was decent math work for Ds9 and he did do a couple pages of actual math. It was sunny, so they went to the park at lunch for a good long run around. Overall we had lots of fun.

DH and I got to talk on the phone yesterday and because we are such geeks, I complained about the AOPS problem that I couldn't find a way to solve without the quadratic equation. We did it together on the phone and agreed that it must be solved by iteration. I don't have the solutions manual but I am going to go with it because I have heard such brute force problems exist in AOPS .. now I don't feel so badly. 


Tomorrow, more studying for me. DH might stay home sick which would actually be nice as awful as that sounds. I miss him. For the kids, spelling, handwriting, math... MCT for DD, Astronomy for DS. After school my local homeschool group has a "recess" group that is meeting at a playground so I might take the kids over there if it is decently not rainy again. 

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Good morning. Regular school day today.

Today's schedule: 

French-Les Portes Tordues, preface, Cp 1

Latin-Unit 3 review continues

Math-Lesson 13

Writing-Creative Writer Week 1 challenge exercise

Literature-continue reading introductory material, discussion

History/Science-Swap from Tuesday

Geography-Unit 1, Introduction, page 4 workbook


For me: French, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Writing, Housekeeping

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Good morning! My boy is home from hurricane duty!! The truck is in the shop getting a new battery and I hope that's all it needs and we're getting a late start. Today's plan is


Morning time




Piano/guitar practice

Finish as much as possible before I get tuckered out

Get Amazon order with birthday gifts in it done, for Monday's birthday. Boy do I love prime!

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Update on DD school day.


Finished up Unit 1 on Blend Phonics. Only had her read 10-12 words a day off the white board. Review of short vowel "a" words done. She is happy with the slow pace.


Had her put numbers 31-40 in correct order.


Listened to several audiobooks.


Drawing pictures with Daddy




Bedtime with read alouds.

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It's noon here. DS9 has handwriting, astronomy, Greek and history reading left.  DD hasn't done math yet. It seems like rather a lot not to be done at this point in the day :(  Everything else is done though.  Kids just had lunch. We are going to go high bush cranberry (aka crampbark for my herbal friends) picking if my kids stop fighting over where we are going, and we'll finish school after. 

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Good Morning


Had DD4 count 1-50 (1:1), put the cards 41-50 in order.


Had read aloud time with both Mom and Dad reading.


Now cartoons and breakfast


Have audiobooks for car ride today. I have a home school seminar.


Daddy and DD time of bike riding and playground.


Phonics and math sometime today

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We will be working today but I'm not sure exactly what all we're going to do. The boys want Monday because it's oldest birthday. I think our schedule will be



Verbal math lessons and fact practice



History (finish what he started yesterday)

Science (wok on )


Me: drop recycling, order birthday cake, prep for co op class, and watch math DVD so I can teach Ds the lesson.

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