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Nurse arrested on camera


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I believe that whenever there are clear cases of abuse by officers, they need the lawsuits to go after the department. The pension fund. IMO, only then will the entire group/dept/union decide to do something about the bad apples. No more having the city make the payments.


Nice idea but you can't go after pension funds, and if you did, it is still a contractual obligation the municipality would need to fulfill.

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I'm bothered it wasn't hospital policy to begin with. The police have no business being in those places or demanding anything of the staff unless the situation is a danger to the staff in some way that security can't handle or the person being treated is an actual prisoner/under arrest.


it had probably never been brought up as an issue before.  it's not uncommon for stuff like this to provoke a reaction of new policies.   prior to them - you can have those making the policy not even imagine something like this would happen - so why would they even think to make a policy for it?


He was told to arrest the nurse by his superiors who one has to assume were terrified of being sued by the unconscious victim.

one superior - singular, not plural, is on camera/record as having pushed for escalation when they didn't get what they wanted. it's unknown how far up this goes.   the chief has said things that contradict his claim he didn't know anything about it -  but there is no concrete proof at this point about how far it goes.


that the DA (who claims he first became aware of this case after the nurse released the videos) is looking into what crimes he can charge the two cops with - is encouraging there will be some accountability. 

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He was told to arrest the nurse by his superiors who one has to assume were terrified of being sued by the unconscious victim.


Which is why I've said I believe that one to be a bad department that definitely needs to be fixed.  Any others similar to it should be watching and changing too.  But that in no way means ALL departments are that way.  I know some definitely are NOT.


I have many friends who are LEOs and I don't think they would do this (at least, I hope they wouldn't urge the breaking of laws).


But... this is indicative of a culture. These cops thought they could get away with it. And they almost did.


Without video proof... without the nurse being willing to release the videos, no one would know a cop was willing to arrest a nurse in the performance of her lawful duty. Another cop was willing to urge the breaking of laws because "no harm, no foul", there were civil reparations if the cops were wrong on the law.


 No one in the cops higher order of command thought this was worth a public fight or comment.


These attitudes are not okay. It's a pervasive rot. 


And it shouldn't be tolerated in a law-respecting society.


I agree 100%.  It's a bad culture within that PD - not ALL PDs.   

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