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The Hormone Hangover, or Is This Why My Head Hurts?


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I'm going to be getting Mirena soon and hopefully, some of this hormonal wackiness will level out. But, enough with the headaches, already. My AF just recently ended; thankfully, it was short and not horrible, but now I have a headache that just going on days. It gets better, it gets worse, but it's been there when I go to bed and there to greet me in the morning. 😒 I am not amused.


Anyone else getting this as part of perimeno? My dinner plans for tonight: homemade pizza with a side of Excederin.

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I seem to be getting one a lot of months before I start.   I feel like my eyes are crossing and am in a lot of pain.  My period has been terribly wonky since I turned 40, it was like a switch flipped on my 40th birthday.   It's just all over the place now and I have no idea when it's going to start, or how it's going to go, or anything.  There is no predictability anymore, except the months that I get this mind numbing headache...so I guess I should be grateful for it.... :lol: !  


All the other indicators I used to have just don't work anymore.   I used to get sore bOOks right before, and now they are sore all month, or sore for a week and then not.   It makes life very difficult to just be walking through a store or something, and bam my period hits.   I never used to have that happen, I sort of could tell it was coming for the past 20 years.  


I can't believe that I have to go through this for another DECADE!   :willy_nilly:

Edited by Zebra
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I seem to be getting one a lot of months before I start. I feel like my eyes are crossing and am in a lot of pain. My period has been terribly wonky since I turned 40, it was like a switch flipped on my 40th birthday. It's just all over the place now and I have no idea when it's going to start, or how it's going to go, or anything. There is no predictability anymore, except the months that I get this mind numbing headache...so I guess I should be grateful for it.... :lol: !


All the other indicators I used to have just don't work anymore. I used to get sore bOOks right before, and now they are sore all month, or sore for a week and then not. It makes life very difficult to just be walking through a store or something, and bam my period hits. I never used to have that happen, I sort of could tell it was coming for the past 20 years.


I can't believe that I have to go through this for another DECADE! :willy_nilly:

Yup. Represent. Most recently, that old dog showed up out of the blue while I was at a party. Wearing a white sundress. Fortunately, nobody else had reason to notice this. But let's just say it's fortunate I decided to empty my bladder when I did...


My OBGYN just did my hormone levels and she believes I only have "maybe a year or two more."

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I forgot to mention, they were worse when I was younger than now, and I will be 40 in December. I am praying for menopause to hit soon, just to get it over with, but my mom was like 55 *sigh*


When I was younger, they were migraines. Relpax was my best friend. They lasted 3 days. My mom just didn't understand. The truth is that having my younger kids seemed to reset my hormonal system to something it handled better. I dealt with 6 yrs of IF prior to getting pregnant with DD8 through IVF, and I often wonder if my hormones were "messed up" in an undetectable way that impacted my fertility AND caused the headaches. After DD8 was born, significantly fewer headaches, plus DD6 and DS4 were complete surprises.

Interesting. I would wonder that, too.

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My 40's have been awful hormonally. "Yes" to the headaches and never knowing how long or when anything will be or happen. And the anxiety the week before has thrown me for a loop. So has not being able to keep my eyes open 2 days before ov. I'm 44 and praying it's not another decade.It's like I only have one good week each month now.

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