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GoT finale--spoilers


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Will Dany believe them? Hey, I had a vision and the throne isn't yours! What is going to happen there?

Pretty predictable episode. I didn't think the girls were getting played by Littlefinger, we all knew Cersai wasn't going to help them, everyone knew the wall was coming down. So, meh. But not terrible.

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Hated it.


The whole season not one major plot point that I couldn't see coming from a mile away.


The scene at the end with Bran and Sam was ridiculous. It didn't tell us anything we didn't already know. If Bran had revealed the truth to Jon, that at least would have been something new. And what's with Sam taking credit for Gilly's discovery -- which he didn't even acknowledge when she told him about it! What, are we supposed to think she brought it up again on their drive to Winterfell? Why? She didn't have any reason to think it was important.

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It was certainly predictable.  But I think better than the previous episode.


I felt like there was something a bit off of the conversation between Cersei and Tyrion.  Not on her end - she was as always, but on his.  He's lost some of his brilliance the past two seasons.


It was nice though to see the scales finally fall from Jaime's eyes.  


Qyaburn was very creepy.


I wondered about the Hound's conversation with the Mountain.  Was he kind of washing his hands of the whole thing?  That would be satisfying, for me.  And make some sense too because really, I don't think the Mountain is really there any more mentally, I don't think he's really the same person in any meaningful way.


I did have some issues with the way they've tried to make Jon out to be the legitimate heir.  I'm not sure it is necessary, for one thing.  It seems like it could be just as effective plot-wise, and maybe more so thematically, if he remained illegitimate.


But my real issue is with the "legal" aspects.  The annulment business seemed a problem.  According to the books it couldn't have happened that way - it has to be done by the high septon, and involve non-connsumation.  Now, the rules in the show might be different but the same idea was alluded to with regards to Sansa and Tyrion's marriage - it's why Tywin insisted that the marriage be consummated.


And the other aspect is that Lyanna was betrothed to Robert, and that was also a binding legal agreement, which we saw when Joffery wanted to marry Margery - the betrothal had to be declared invalid because Ned had entered into it under false pretences.  This is in line with a lot of medieval practice.


Anyway - I think Jon is going to be, or ought to be if he stays in character, when he finds out.  The practice of inter-family marriage always seemed to me to be a strong metaphor for something corrupted in the Targaryan dynasty, and then in the Baratheon/Lannister government.  A kind of inward-lookingness and tendency to selfish behaviour and madness - the latter being the Mad King and Joffery, the Former Rhaegar and Robert.


The Starks are a different type - level-headed and seeing ruling as being about self-sacrificing for the good of all - and so I wonder if Jon is meant to be a kind of repaired Targaryan line?  If so, he can't really take up with Dany, and wouldn't want to when he realizes the truth of the situation.

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It was pretty predictable but I enjoyed it. I'm really curious about what Tyrion said to Cersei. I knew she wouldn't send her army to fight but did Tyrion know that? Did he betray Dany because of Cersei's child or did he really think that she would hold up her end of the bargain? I really hope he didn't betray Dany. He has always consistently hated his family and seems to truly believe in Dany's desire to rule differently

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I agree. Either it is menopause or she will lose the child and therefore become mad (crazier than she already is) making her the Mad Queen.


Well, I was thinking more that based on the stuff that witch told her, she's not likely to have another child.  If she's pregnant, I think she'll be killed before it's born, probably by Jaime.

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I liked the final episode (definitely more than the previous one), but it still felt lacking in some spots. I think the showrunners missed the mark with this shortened season. I am really hoping I don't feel that way at the end of next season.


Anyway, I enjoyed the meeting the Dragonpit. I knew Dany would fly in on Drogon, but it was still cool to watch. (It was kind of dumb of her to bring Rhaegal too because, of course, Cersei picked up on the missing dragon.) I really loved the little chats on the way in between Tyrion, Bronn, and Podrick, and between Brienne and the Hound. 


I knew Cersei would never go along with the plan, but it'll be interesting to find out what Tyrion said to her to convince her to make this "alliance." I have a hard time believing he betrayed Dany, but who knows. His face at the end was really weird (and kind of creepy). Besides the whole aunt/nephew thing, which I don't think Tyrion knows about, wouldn't a Jon/Dany match be a good thing? It would bring the North together with all of her armies, so I'm not understanding his concern. 


Yay Jaime!!!! I'm so glad he finally left Cersei. One of my favorite moments. 


RIP Littlefinger. I'm glad to see him go, but when did Arya and Sansa figure it all out? I read an article and the actor who plays Bran said they cut a scene from the finale where Sansa goes to Bran because she suspects Littlefinger is up to something, and Bran tells her everything based on his visions. I wish they would've left that scene in because it explains a lot. That's been the whole problem with this season...too many things left offscreen and left up to the audience to interpret.  :cursing:


My biggest issue with this episode was the big reveal...that Jon is Aegon Targaryen. It seemed really rushed and a little confusing. I thought Bran knows everything, but at first he said Jon Snow was really Jon Sand. But then Sam had to correct him about the annulment and that Jon isn't really Jon Sand, but a Targaryen. If Bran knows everything, wouldn't he already know that? Maybe I missed something.  :confused1:  And then the Rhaegar and Lyanna wedding was so fast. Rhaegar looked like Viserys. I know it wasn't him, but they could've at least showed us a little more of his face. Last season, the Tower of Joy scene, where Jon's mother was revealed, was so well done and it wasn't rushed. I would've liked this scene to have had the same pacing. 


The ending was okay too. As soon as I saw the wall, I knew it was coming down. I assume Tormund and Beric survived, since they didn't show them die. And where is Gendry? Last we saw him, he was at Eastwatch. Is he rowing again?



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I think the scene where Sansa is answering Little Finger's questions about what the worst thing Arya could do is enough in regards to when Sansa realizes what little finger is up to. She concludes that Arya wants to be Lady of winterfell and that is when it clicks for her that something doesn't add up. She knows that is not the life Arya wants. I think that is when she finally sees what little finger is up to. The deleted scene would have just confirmed it for her but I didn't feel, as , viewer I needed to see it.


As for Bran, he doesn't know everything, he has access to all knowledge. He knows who Jon's parents are but never had any reason to question that the his aunt wasn't kidnapped and raped so he didn't go looking for that information.

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Yes, I think that's the distinction with Bran.  When you have all the information in the world, the problem is really how to find the important parts.  You have to know where to look.  Bran always seems to find the information when there is something that prompts him to zero in on it.


I've wondered if Tyrion does have some suspicions about Jon.  But he also might be worried about Jon's influence, I guess?  It is an interesting problem.  Which makes me ask, what's up with Varys, lately?  While betrayal might seem an awful thing to contemplate, it would be unexpected, which would be a nice change from the rest of the season.


The bit with Arya and Sansa bothered me, I thought it all seemed wrong.  I put my finger on why watching the making of the episode - the writers set it up that way - not because they thought it was right for character or plot development - but because they wanted it to be a shocking scene for the viewers.  It seems to me that this is the sort of thing that works well when you already have the narrative framed in a literary sense and then work out how to translate it to the screen, but not so well when you decide on the exciting scene and shape the story to get you there.


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