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Accountability Thread: 8/27-9/2

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That's right! September 1st is this week!  :willy_nilly:

Today's schedule: Finishing up all that is left of summer reading happens this week. That means that regardless of how I feel about it, I've got to set aside some time every day this week to polish up the first six weeks of fall term. I also need to be working on getting planning and two new character profiles completed for my NaNo project in November, and I have another writing contest to prepare for coming up in October. There's also fall housekeeping to schedule--gardens need to be cleaned up and readied for use next spring. So much to do...

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I'm GF, so noodles are generally not something I get unless I'm really in the mood for them and want to spend money. When I don't have noodles, I make either a GF dumpling, or if I'm really lazy, I substitute potatoes for the noodles. I like it.



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I'm awake too early, but that's okay. I'll write.

Today's schedule:

Latin-lesson 19 continued

Math-lesson 7

Literature-The Hobbit, Cp 16, read, vocabulary and comprehension questions

History-Cp 9


For me: Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, School Planning


This week finished up everything left from summer quarter. So fall quarter needs to be written up loosely, and at the end of the week, I have to unload Ivor, the great white pantry, to put the new stuff in place.

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We are here! Home from our crazy trip. It's just starting to sink in that I drove 100 hours (just the drive time, not including all the stops to pee, etc) to see a 2 minute event. I was awake the last 40 hours with only a couple little naps so I am still pretty worn out today but I need to get ds caught up in his astronomy class, make an appt for ILP's with the charter school, and unpack the car. Oh and plan/make dinner. That's enough for one day I think, just four things.

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Letter of the Week bear's basket





Daily Math


Spelling Workout

TTL (a speech/language program I picked up to hopefully help her in this area)

Reading  This might be too difficult for her...some of the vocabulary is just beyond her. 




Daily Math

Facts Practice (until I get MIF) changed this to the placement test for MIF

Spelling workout

Cursive practice

Reading, with reading comp practice page*


All Three:

Word of the Day

Mystery Science video and activity.


*I picked up a reading comp practice book with short passages, like daily math, because DD8 needs extra reading comp practice.  I am also thinking I was a quick daily language thing, maybe I will alternate the two or something.  I dunno.  I don't want to be doing TOO much, and I am approaching that point.  So for right now, I am just trying this out to see how I want to work it.  Or if I don't want to do it.  Or whatever.


This is a fully day for us, plus I have to go shopping.  I don't need a LONG trip, and probably can get everything at dollar general.  But we don't have anywhere else to be and dinner is an easy breakfast for dinner so I think we will be ok with that.  And with DH deciding to stay home on Friday, that will be a day we get very little done.


Anyway....school tasks for me:


Shopping for supplies

Find a scheduling template (search here is terrible, I wish there was a sticky for this.)

Print out necessary pages for the week

Organize school supplies

Storage solution for library books

Vocab words from library books

Search for videos


Non School tasks


Next batch of applesauce

Make a loaf of bread

Make freezer jam

Make english muffins?

clean out inside freezer

Clean/wipe out toilets and sinks

Fold rest of the laundry



I am tired already.  We are taking a break, having lunch etc.  Feeling better but worn out....blah. 





Ugh.  Trying to do too much.  I better feel better tomorrow.

I'm going to go take a nap for you. Your list wore me out. :laugh:  

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Good morning. Continuing to finish up the last of the summer school.


Latin-continue lesson 19

Math-lesson 8

Literature-The Hobbit Ch 17, questions

History-finish Ch 9


For me: Latin, Geometry, Writing, Housekeeping, Writers' Meeting.

Yesterday I wrote part of a fiction short story and a short personal essay. I want to work on novel, the short story and get the essay (and another) printed up for tonight's meeting.

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Good morning all! Full week of fun last week, that's why I didn't get to post. This was supposed to be my first week back with the highschooler but, a vomiting 9yo and a sleepless night derailed that. So, we will probably do morning time this week and start fresh and full force next week, I make no promises on that, it's just the plan for right now. My Ds' unit has been activated and he is now in Houston and I'm trying not to worry about him. Also prayers needed for my SIL and her family, they are in Houston as well, they are ok but I'm concerned with the continued rain.

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Which means I think I am going to go with MIF for DD8. I am good with MEP for DS4 and DD6, because even if we put them in school next year, I think they will be fine. Plus, looking over MIF, it looks just like what DD8 needs anyway. Now to find the best deal.

I love MIF for all my kids. It really isn't as expensive as people seem to think. The textbooks are readily available used on Amazon for around $12 and the workbooks are reasonably priced at RainbowResource.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Good Morning,


DD4 woke up at 5am and wanted to do school. She wouldn't go back to sleep and was waking up DH who is a shift worker who went to sleep 2 hrs before DC woke up. So Mommy got up and took DD to living room so he could sleep.


School-tell time, explained what a minute was. Counted to 60, count by tens starting at 50. Did 6 math problems from Ray's orally. Mommy needs caffiene. Played audio book for her until my eyes could read. Did some read alouds (history &art). Reviewed phonograms.She painted and played.


DD allergies and asthma has been going crazy the past few days, so a lot of sleep distruptions. She's no worse for ware.


Mommy on the other hand...improved


Today/tonight she read 4 Bob books. She's doing great. Orally spelled some cvc/cvcc words.


Did a few stories in Bedtime Math book.


I didn't get through one lit book before she fell asleep.

Edited by Mommyof1
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I only got three of my 4 things done yesterday. The car is still not cleaned out although some armfulls of things came out. I woke up feeling like garbage today so I am trying to guide the kids through school as independently as possible. They each have a math lesson they can do alone, TTRS, 30 mins of history reading from a book of their choice, and handwriting.



.... I got distracted in posting and most of school is done! Just a few more things to go...

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Today everyone did reading. Then we started mission clean/organize the school room. It's 2PM now and it looks like a tornado went through. 2 bookcases unloaded and moved to their new home. Now sorting and organizing what came off the shelves.... I underestimated how long this would take :/


DS1 did stats and Chem and has math with tutor in the evening.

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I adulted today. Did the kids ILP meeting and then ran a few errands while my mom supervised here.


Tomorrow we need to do a nice full school day, with spelling which is actually the only subject neglected so far this week (I'm super proud of that) and I need to start my own studying again. I decided to do the AOPS intro to Alg and intro to geometry books just for fun. I also have an undergrad physics text book for refresher that I'd like to make progress on. Then I need to practice/keep up/improve my writing in French, and study Russian so those are my courses for the fall.

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Good morning.

Today's schedule:

Art-we are bringing some of the boy's pumpkins for the still life today

Latin-finish lesson 19


Literature-finish The Hobbit, questions

History-finish chapter 10


For me: Art, Latin, Geometry, Editing, Writing, Light Housekeeping.

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Good morning ladies, dont really have much today. Ds only threw up once yesterday and I'm praying that's all we're gonna get from him, I'm going to let him rest as much as he wants. Dropping people off and picking them up when they're ready. Hoping to get out to pick up Ds car and bring it home from the armory. Paying bills and possibly getting grocery.

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Good morning all! Full week of fun last week, that's why I didn't get to post. This was supposed to be my first week back with the highschooler but, a vomiting 9yo and a sleepless night derailed that. So, we will probably do morning time this week and start fresh and full force next week, I make no promises on that, it's just the plan for right now. My Ds' unit has been activated and he is now in Houston and I'm trying not to worry about him. Also prayers needed for my SIL and her family, they are in Houston as well, they are ok but I'm concerned with the continued rain.

:grouphug: Hope everything is going well for your loved ones Houston.




Good morning, all. Since tomorrow is September 1, it is time to get my accountability mojo going. Anyone else love the first of a new month?!


DS is in 11th grade and classes have been added gradually. Russian started two weeks ago. His first-ever DE class started last week. So did Physics (Clover Creek). AP Language and Composition started this week (PAHS).


We need to add in "my" classes after the Labor Day weekend. I am worried that they will get shoved aside by the hard deadlines of the outsourced classes.


These are the classes I am in charge of:


Precalculus. I am going to do all of the problems and stay one week ahead of DS. So I started this week.


United States History. I haven't finished thinking through how we are going to use the resources that I have gathered and I am running out of time :scared: . But I have something we can start with. Sometimes starting is good enough.


Cumulative Art/Music/PE credits. So hard to work these in. But we must chip away somehow!




Today, we have an extracurricular meeting this afternoon.

Tomorrow, we are getting company for the weekend (good friends so yay).


I am going to try to finish my precalc for the week today, and think about how I am going to arrange my routines. I have make sure that I have time allotted for my own studies, physical activity, and hobbies.

Edited by Penguin
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I'm in the same boat, Penguin, as far as making sure I put my writing and editing as a top priority in the school day. I'm on some self-imposed deadlines right now for finishing some things and working on other projects. I want to be sure I don't let any of that slide.

But school is important too! I have a feeling that housekeeping may get cut more often than not...

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I'm in the same boat, Penguin, as far as making sure I put my writing and editing as a top priority in the school day. I'm on some self-imposed deadlines right now for finishing some things and working on other projects. I want to be sure I don't let any of that slide.

But school is important too! I have a feeling that housekeeping may get cut more often than not...

Truth be told, I don't even put housekeeping on my lists. It is a good thing we have frequent houseguests, as that does motivate us to clean!



I am, however, determined that food prep and all that entails (planning/shopping/cooking) make the cut. We need that to keep health and budget in check. I have said this before and not accomplished it though  :cursing: .

Edited by Penguin
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We mostly did ok today. No studying for me, but my mom is in town and while I always think that will result in more time for myself, it often just means I am chatting with her all day when I should be doing other things and taking advantage of the help. Oh well. Nice to have her around anyway.


Most of school got done for the kids, still no spelling. DH is off tomorrow so we are going to aim for efficiency and then have family time. Core subjects for the kids, and I am going to aim for 1h study for me.

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Good morning.

No school for us today. Kayak time for the boys and reading time for me. :001_smile: I probably won't clean today. DH has a home-repair project that will dust up the house, and there's no sense in trying to do more than keep up with the mess for now.

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Jumped with joy this morning. A bill that I knew I had paid has been haunting me since June. FINALLY the other party has acknowledged that yes indeed I did actually pay them back in June.


Getting ready for houseguests who will arrive around dinnertime.

Did precalc yesterday, but did not finish the week's work. So more precalc this morning.

Worked on Latin while drinking my first cup of coffee.  :hurray:



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