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Anyone with heart issues?


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So, I ended up in hospital earlier this week with some heart issues. I went to my local doctor (GP) who told me to go straight to ER. I only waited ten minutes and they took me through and put me on a ecg. They also did blood tests. All were normal, but they went on to give me a holter, a heart monitor to wear for 24 hours. 


I felt as though the hospital doctor thought it might be anxiety, but when I went back to my GP (who spoke to the hospital Dr on the phone), she feels that it isn't, and that the results from the holter will give us more information. Thankfully she gave me valium to get through until next week's results because I feel like I am barely coping.


So, my symptoms are a constant fast heartbeat, which came on suddenly on Friday night, with occasional palpitations, especially at night when lying down. I also feel tired and a bit over it (I am supposed to be studying!!). 


I assume there'll be more tests and from what I've googled, there's nothing huge to fear, but I feel a bit down about it. 

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Aw, that's such a scary feeling. Hang in there.


I have minor heart issues that I've had for 30 years. They aren't a big deal, for me. Normally. But in May I did something stupid, and put myself in an adrenal crisis (I have Addison's as well). A week later, I ended up in the hospital for a cardiac work up. It was frightening. I ended up fine - ekg, ultrasound, stress test. All happened over the next weeks and ... my heart's ok. It's a relief. Actually I just got the good news a week ago.


I hope that you get the same good news soon. It's stressful. I feel for you.


One tip - when you wear you holter monitor, live a normal day. :)

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I'm sorry you're having such troubles.


The resting elevated heartbeat is definitely something to investigate. I'm glad you have a doctor who is taking good care of you.


You might want to talk to a cardiologist about Valium with the holter--I am concerned it could skew the results pretty dramatically.

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I'm sorry, that really stinks and the stress of it happening can just compound it all. 


DH had similar symptoms 8 years ago. It was triggered by stress, maybe too much caffeine, not enough sleep, and just a general predisposition to heart stuff. It wasn't anxiety, though, despite the relation to stress (I forget all of the nuances on this part). In his case he had to stay in the hospital overnight because the arrhythmia was very everywhere for a good long while. We did the holter thing afterwards, too.


The good news is that cutting out caffeinated drinks and getting a better schedule has made that go away mostly. Now he only gets it sporadically and it is usually easy to figure out why (staying up late too often, etc). He's in the boat of: if it happens consistently for more than 2 days, he's supposed to check in to a Dr to see if it's worth doing anything about, and we've only had to do that 2 or 3 times since the original incident.


So! I hope the news is good in your case too, and that the solution is as easy as getting a bit more sleep and relaxing as you like :) 

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You might want to talk to a cardiologist about Valium with the holter--I am concerned it could skew the results pretty dramatically.



Oh, I didn't take the Valium while wearing the holter, I tried to have a normal day.
The good news is that cutting out caffeinated drinks and getting a better schedule has made that go away mostly



Yes, all the doctors asked about caffeine! I don't drink caffeinated drinks though. 

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Oh, I didn't take the Valium while wearing the holter, I tried to have a normal day.


Yes, all the doctors asked about caffeine! I don't drink caffeinated drinks though. 



fwiw, DH didn't drink much, maybe 1-2 coffees a week and a tea. idk how it made such a difference, but cutting that out completely seemed to do the trick. So glad he didn't have to cut out chocolate (it was mentioned) because, well, yeah, that'd be awful, lol. 

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My heart races and skips with dehydration, exhaustion, too much caffeine, stress, sickness, and pretty much anything else.  It's like the first clue my body isn't quite right.  I've done the monitor, too, and had some other tests, and everything is fine.  Hopefully, you are, too!

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