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Is your 7th grader taking algebra I? (x-post)

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At the rate we are and have been going, ds will be ready to take Algebra I in 7th grade. He is strong in math but I worry that he might not be ready "developmentally" for Algebra in 7th grade. Well, at least that's what others are telling...that Algebra is too abstract for most 7th graders.


We are using MUS and my plan was to use it through pre-algebra then switch to Chalkdust (or something else) for Algebra I since MUS is not as strong a program in Algebra. Now I am thinking I should follow one of these three plans:


1. 6th- MUS pre-algebra

7th- Chalkdust algebra I




2. 6th- MUS pre algebra

7th- MUS algebra I (to get him started)

8th- Chalkdust algebra I




3. 6th grade- Chalkdust pre-algebra

7th grade- Chalkdust algebra I


what do you ladies think? Any other ideas?

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Hi Heather,


My dd 11/6th will start CD Prealg in December, at the rate we are going. Ds completed Prealg during 7th. It is a tough program because Prof. Mosely & the text is so thorough! We will take it slow and steady since dd will be on the younger end.


You cannot go wrong w/ CD. It is wonderful. We bought the traditional set -- and it has been worth every penny.

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I have repeatedly heard the argument that Algebra is too abstract for 5th/6th/7th graders, and that is like saying 8 months old is too early for a baby to begin walking, or 27 months is too early to read. It really just depends on the child, and you are the one that knows him best. See how he does in Pre-Algebra and make your decision from there, algebra isn't going anywhere!


If it helps, every middle school in our district has a 7th grade algebra class, so it can't be all that unusual :D

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No problems so far. DS is strong in math. Learning to use a text book is a bit of a skill--I expected that. There's a good deal of overlap between MUS pre-algebra and the first bit of Jacobs Algebra. We are not skipping this because I wanted to make sure that DS remembered what he had already learned and recognized it with slightly different terminology.

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Well, I haven't BTDT yet, as I'm just where you are with 10yos, but I've also been agonizing over "what next" (in our case after Singapore) in 7th grade - I can share my current plan...


6th - LOF Dec/Perc over summer before, then Singapore 6

Maybe Keys to Algebra over summer to solidify any pre-algebra needed

7th & 8th - Alg I over two years, with RS Geometry as supplement.


I plan to use Foersters/Math without Borders for one twin, and Life of Fred Beginning Algebra with the other. I may use Art of Problem Solving's Intro to Algebra to deepen things or mix things up as needed, or just use to finish up 8th grade if I finish the other books earlier.


This may not be what I end up doing, but this is the thinking that got me there - they'll be ready in the sense that they'll have done all the necessary math to do algebra, but I also worry a bit about the maturity - these are smart kids, but not prodigies, nor even the types begging for more math (especially the one I'm putting in LOF).


So rather than do Algebra I in a year in 7th, then do - what? - high school geometry or Alg II in 8th? - my thinking is to do Algebra I slowly but in depth for 2 years, and maybe use RS Geo alongside, then do either Alg II or proof-based Geo in 9th, with the other the year after. The other option do delay algebra would be to do more pre-algebra, but I think after Singapore, LOF's prealgebra books, and Keys To..., that should be enough?


Even if they're not mathy, even if they're not going to be engineers or scientists, I'd still like to get them through Calculus in high school if I can, but this schedule should still accomodate that, I think.

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I have a child who was ready for algebra in 8th grade. My next child was ready sooner and is taking it this year in 6th. Then there's my youngest, who won't be ready until 9th.


The 6th grader is almost finished with chapter 2 of Lial's Introductory Algebra and is making A's with an occasional high B. He's definitely ready for the material.


So gauge for yourself where your child is and then proceed. Slow down or backtrack if the material is too difficult. You'll do fine!



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My younger dd (currently a HS junior) has followed this path:


Algebra 1 - 7th

Geometry - 8th

Algebra 2 - 9th

Adv Math - 10th

Calculus - 11th


All of the above was Saxon except for the Geometry, obviously, which was Jacob's. It really depends on the student. DD was definitely not too young for algebra in 7th grade.

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Best laid plans can be laid aside. I always overprepared my children, and then gave them lots of grace and time when they needed it. So, if your child is ahead in math now, it has "built in" wiggle room when he needs to take a month off to focus on his science project. (c:


Go right ahead with Algebra 1 in 7th grade. Geometry or Logic in 8th grade is a good developmental window before Algebra 2 in 9th grade. Even way back in the dark ages when I was in school, I did Algebra 2 at age 14.



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Thank you for all the awesome advice. I think I will go full ateam ahead then until ds says "uncle!". :D
every middle school in our district has a 7th grade algebra class, so it can't be all that unusual


Our PS all have a 7th grade option for Algebra 1

and an 8th grade option for Geometry.

And all our high schools have Algebra-1 spread over 4 semesters so that it takes 2 full years just to finish Algebra-1.

I suppose some students are ready earlier, some later.

Some students are ready earlier and don't apply themselves.

Some students are Not ready earlier and do apply themselves.


Most students hit the wall in Chapter 5.

It's always "Chapter 5" no matter which book you use.......... ;)

It is! :lol:

But that doesn't mean you have to toss out the math book.

Slow down and repeat the same week's assignments next week.

Do that for a few weeks to break through the wall, and then keep going.


My 8th grader is in Algebra-2, having taken Algebra-1 in 7th grade.

Edited by Moni
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