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Who diagnoses an eating disorder?

Night Elf

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I have an appointment with a Licensed Professional Counselor and one of her specialties is eating disorders. I emailed my regular physician and asked about a dietitian and she gave me a referral. I mentioned to my psychiatrist that I had an appointment with a counselor to talk about it. Should I have made an appointment with my regular doctor first? It seems I'm pulling all the strings and I don't know what I'm doing.

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In my experience as a physician, unfortunately it seems that nutritional restoration, medical monitoring, and management of medical complications due to suboptimal nutrition are very overlooked aspects of eating disorder treatment. I would definitely schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.

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I don't think LPCs can "diagnose," but they can screen you for concerning behaviors and recommend you followup with a psychiatrist or other medical doctor. The counselor who specializes in eating disorders may be a great place to start. She will know which doctors are good near you if an actual diagnosis is necessary. You are in a different position from someone whose disorder is currently a immediate danger to their health/life, so the bloodwork and whatnot that would be done for anorexia might not be relevant to you. 

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