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The One More Thing Teachers Lounge 7-28-2017


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TGIF!!! And welcome to the Lounge!


Today's title stems from the fact that there always seems to be one more thing that needs to get done.

Today we were going to take the one cat and the dog to the humane society for vaccinations. However, I woke up late

and looking at the schedule, I realized by the time we would get there and stood in line, there would be no guarantee

that our animals would get seen before they broke for lunch. And I can't do it this afternoon as I have to pick up

farmers market inventory. And tomorrow I work the farmers market. And Sunday is church.


What's on your schedule this weekend? Here: see above. Plus, somewhere in the next several days I really want to settle

on a schooling schedule for my kids. Although, now that I think about it, maybe I'll just list what subjects I want them to work on

each day and then set specific "office hours" for me to be available for them if they need help. Hmmm . . . Oh, yeah, and I still

need to squeeze some of my own study in there somewhere.


Anything special happening in your world this weekend? Here: nothing specific that I can think of. 


Anyone want to escape with me for at least three days?? Where should we go?


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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This Weekend: We're meeting friends from out of town tomorrow morning at a park.  Church on Sunday.  That's it.


Special: We've never met those friends IRL.  We met on-line when we were pregnant with our 11yos.


Escape: Sure!  A cabin in the woods sounds nice.

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Hey Scrap, how did your event go?


So true about there always being one more thing, sigh. We broke a glass bottle this morning, just to start the day off right, lol, and even though I know it only literally took maybe 5 or 10 minutes to clean up, everything has felt haphazard since. 


What's on your schedule this weekend? We have a camp out in the park tonight. Basically we put a tent up in the soccer field, the park does fun activities with the kids, a few games, read-aloud around the "fire" (a bundle of orange string lights), and then everyone goes to their tents. Then they have breakfast for us in the morning. It's for the families in the tots program, so basically a bunch of 3yos plus families. We have been a part of it for the past 5 years since as one kid phases out the next phases in. I think we are the only family that has done it more than once, since most families only have a 3/4 yo once, at most twice, in the program. I just realized I don't have a sleeping bag for the 3yo. So there's my "one more thing"!


Anything special happening in your world this weekend? Other than the above, no. There is a TKD tournament that starts at 8:30 on Saturday an hour away from us. DD wants to go but I can't pack up the tent and get us over there on time. So I'm billing the rest of the weekend as quiet A/C time and movies.


Anyone want to escape with me for at least three days?? I'd sign up in a heartbeat, but the only escape for me would include 4 kids, lol, which defeats the purpose. I'll live vicariously through you, so long as you don't pick some place where my imaginary self would have to deal with sand :)


edited to fix nonsensical 's and take out a nonsensical sentence, lol. obviously it's a friday.

Edited by Moonhawk
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Yes ESCAPE! Alas, I can't do it.


Anyway, I worked out today and now am doing some housework.


Tomorrow the boys have yardwork, and dh and I will be doing some lesson planning for our upcoming Space Tech and Introductory Engineering courses. Sunday we tear down our departments of the exhibits barn at the county fair - have  a work crew coming so should take less than two hours early Sunday morning. Then we are going to the beach Sunday night.


I am getting ready to tear into a pot of coffee.

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The swim team party went relatively well. I introduced the new swim mom team for 2018 and they got busy enlisting volunteers for next summer already!

I have ONE more meeting with the main group and then I will be DONE, officially retired from swim mom duties!


I had one last minute RSVP who then didn't even show up. Had another 6 or 7 who said they'd be there but weren't and about the same amount that didn't tell me

they would be there so I had to give them their medals after the presenting of medals. If you don't tell me you're going to be there, how am I supposed to KNOW?

Overall, it went well, though. The swim coaches even gave me a pretty cool gift: a journal (blank book) and a mason jar drinking glass with a Starbucks card tucked inside!  :hurray:


Now, I need to go see if I can pick up my farmers market inventory earlier than scheduled so I can just RELAX today!

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This weekend is outdoor painting time. I've scraped and washed the window trim and doors, and put on a first coat/trial colour on a couple places to see if I like the white. Tonight I'll buy some paint so that I can get cracking tomorrow morning. The weather is supposed to be sunny and dry for a change, so it's the perfect time to get this done (it's been over 10 years since we did it last, so it's in real need of freshening up).



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Hi Scrap!


This weekend: Farmers' market and to a Nature Center program on skinks with Ds tomorrow morning. Cub Scout picnic midday. Enjoy A/C the rest of the day and do a little housework. Church on Sunday. Some school prep in there somewhere if I can squeeze it in.


Special: Nothing unusual.


Escape: Well, I just got back from two days at the lake, so I really should be working. I agree with Moonhawk on the no sand part, unless you're headed someplace relatively comfortable  for this time of year (North!), like Cape Cod or Nantucket. "Escape" assumes no kids, imo. Otherwise it is just a trip, fun but still work.  



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I have been cleaning and pet sitting all day!!! Just 12 more days and the pet sitting stops! I love the money but I'm tired of all the driving! We are cleaning because we are hosting a cousins' overnight tomorrow. There will be 11 kids ages 8 to 6 months in my house! So yes we can get away somewhere and leave dh to the craziness. I'd like to go to Ecuador and the Galapagos again. How does that sound?

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