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I just cleaned off my book shelves


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I'm exhausted. I went through my curriculum and said goodbye to things I genuinely like but there's no reason to keep them for so many years till Youngest is ready for them. And I have no idea what will be available then that I'd rather use. I'm alarmed at how many copies of some books I have. It would go like this... I buy a book I need to read. I put the book on my shelf and don't read it. The next time I'm at a used book sale, I see it again and buy it again. I put it on my shelf. I finally decide I'm going to read the book. I can't find any of the copies I own. I order another copy from Amazon. Seriously. What is wrong with me?


Not enough shelves, too many books. But I can't add shelves right now, so I have to say goodbye. :) We emptied off ALL the shelves onto my living room floor and I told my kids where to put the books back.


Anyway, I'm mostly just rambling here, and bragging that I finished a chore I have been putting off for months. :) My shelves look great and actually have a little spare room! No longer double stacked in two rows and then more books stuffed on top! You can actually skim my shelves and see all the books I own!


Well, sort of... I haven't touched the shelves in the kids' rooms. I can't even with that...

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Good job! Purging books is hard for me - and I already keep any twaddle or leisure reading on my kindle, so it's mostly reference books, how to, bible resources, tech stuff for my husband, kid books, etc. Still too much! Your attitude on what to keep and what to re-buy is bang on.


I degreased my kitchen cabinets yesterday and that was ridiculous amounts of work, so I'm patting myself on the back as well. But I guarantee I packed more books a week ago than I should have kept :o

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I'm telling everyone who will listen that I purged half the stuff from my basement. Sometimes you've gotta make your own celebration. A clear shelf IS an accomplishment!

I'm going through my basement too! It's liberating, but I gave myself an allergy attack and have been useless for the second half of the day. It's looking great though. I don't have unruly bookshelves because I'm afraid of the allergens they collect.



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Half the stuff!? Wow! That's a feat!



It turns out I'm not a hoarder, just a procrastinator. Once I figured out HOW to prepare the paint cans so the city would pick them up I put out 15 years' worth at once. It also helps that by baby is 16 and nobody is getting in m way or crying that I tossed something. My kids don't care what I throw away as long as they aren't forced to help with the job. I was watching movies and everything while I was down there. I probably have one or two more trash days of stuff to haul out because I get bored after about 5-6 bags and quit.




I'm going through my basement too! It's liberating, but I gave myself an allergy attack and have been useless for the second half of the day. It's looking great though. I don't have unruly bookshelves because I'm afraid of the allergens they collect.

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I had to take a few breaks because the dust was bothering me and I don't even HAVE allergies. I would've had to wear a mask if I did. It was that bad down there. I still haven't really "cleaned." I just purged and reorganized.

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Am I the only one who giggled at the title of this post?


Books and Tea are forever giggle-worthy thanks to this board, lol.

No. Both words are a permanent double entendres to me now, as well.

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I feel like I'm in a real life version of If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. We desperately needed to clean out our playroom closet. So we started pulling things out and deciding what is getting donated, what is going back in the closet and what is going into long term storage. So, in order to store the long term stuff, we had to make room in the storage room. In order to do that we had to go through all the clothes that are stored to see what we could get rid of. We also recently culled my oldest ds' schoolwork and had to reorganize the other three kids' schoolwork to see how much space stored records would now take up. We can finally now get to work storing the old toys they want to keep. Except, when we cleaned out the youngest two kids' rooms at the beginning of the summer, they each ended up with a stack of books to be stored long term. Those bins are behind the rest of the long term storage. We're also going to clean out our family bookcases and will have even more to go in those book bins. And on and on it goes.


Congrats to those who have accomplished their goals.

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