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Grandson born at 7:15 am today. Story here.

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Just got home from the hospital. As you know I have asked for prayers a couple of times for this daughter.

Her due date was the 18th and we were starting to think he would never made his little personal appearance!


9 lbs 12 ozs 21 inches long. His name is Owen Thomas..his big brothe Ethan will be 2 on November 11th.



Yesterday she developed a small tear in the water sack, so they admitted her and started Pitocin due to her Strep B positive status.

Nothing much happened until they broke her water about 11pm.

I guess there were many cross words during the night as labor went on and on. She was sure she coulnd't do it without drugs and was asking for either an epidural or a c[-section. Her husband and the Mid Wife both knew that really wasn't what she wanted, so they just kept telling her hang in there and give it a few more minutes. About 3 or 4 am they gave her something to make her sleepy between contractions and that got her thru the next several hours. They decided he was so big that he just couldn't get his head in the right position to open the cervix properly.

Eventually she felt the urge to push, but wasn't dialated fully yet, but they gave her permission to push. I guess he rotated himself during those few pushes and came out looking over his shoulder!

But it only took a few pushes and no tearing. I am so proud of her! I cried all the way home.


She is totally whipped from the labor and the whatever that drug was they gave her.

Ethan keeps saying, "Momma sleep"


He is so cute. He has been with us for a week since Daddy works the evening shift at restaurants, we dind't want DD to be home alone with baby if she went into labor at night. Well, that didn't happen, but I felt better doing something!


BAby is too big for the hospital blankets, but very sweet and looking around. We got some pics at the hospital, but I am not sure how to post them on the board.

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