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my annual freak out over the narrative assessment

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I would feel stressed out too. We go through a homeschool cooperative that is an extension of the public school but we have to do monthly narratives. It makes me crazy (but keeps me on track so for that I appreciate it). Is it basically what you did in each subject, if the student is making progress and how you know? Or is there more to it?


I always wonder if those things actually get read by anyone or just filed away in case an issue arises. Meh...sorry. :(

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We do quarterly reports on top of this. So I've already blah blahed about progress 4x in the year. KWIM? So what more?!

I would just smash all those together in one document and top it off with "this is how the school year ended and here is where we are heading"


I think venting a bit first is in order. Sometimes it just feels good to say "I don't want to do this! Ahhhh!" I know it always makes me feel better :)

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NY here, too.  Remember all you need to make sure to say is that they made satisfactory progress.


You can do it.


I usually just restate some things that they already have in my IHIPS and quarterlies:


I performed a portfolio review of Poetry's year on June 5, 2027.  From this, it is clear that she made satisfactory progress in sixth grade.


She particularly enjoyed her math studies and performed at an excellent level in all areas taught.


She is an avid reader.  Her lexile score is xxx.  She is making steady progress in writing and writes organized paragraphs and well structured paragraphs.  Her mechanics are good.


She studied Earth Science this year and has a clear understanding of the concepts thought.  She particularly enjoyed learning about Earthquakes.


She studied early American history this year.  She has now completed her study of the US Constitution and the NY Constitution.  She excells in history and often spends her free time reading historical fiction.



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We have a retired school teacher in the family, and she does the assessment because that made me feel better, especially the first year. She talks with me for about an hour and then signs a sheet that says "This student has completed the requirements that will allow her to enter X grade in the fall." Some people add, "See Quarterly Reports for details."

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Sounds like a business opportunity to make a template and sell it! :)


Yeah there are some samples out there, but I'm too afraid to use them because they are so so minimal.  Basically they say we completed the work...yah rah....have a nice day.  LOL


I finished the damn thing this morning.  I think it took me 10 minutes.  Well 10 days of thinking about it and 10 minutes to type it.  And now, as usual, I wonder why I found this so difficult.  Haha...

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A verteran hs mom told me about the one sentence narrative, and we are in a district that is ALL about following the rules. If it works for them (and they haven't said anything so far), it must be ok.


It should be allowed because there are zero guidelines.  I guess my thing is I want to avoid them thinking it looks lazy and incomplete so I should have some outside person do it.  I'm not against an outside person doing it, but I have nobody personally who could and I don't really want to spend money on some stranger evaluating kids she doesn't know.  KWIM?


I did a test last year which kinda made it easier.  He hated doing the testing though.  HATED.  He did excellent, but gee he complained so much I didn't want to make him do it again this year if I didn't have to.  Next year he'll have to. Hopefully he'll scoff less.


My older kid is in high school so he has to do the testing, but he never complained about it.  He cranks that thing out in a couple of hours to get it over with.

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It should be allowed because there are zero guidelines.  I guess my thing is I want to avoid them thinking it looks lazy and incomplete so I should have some outside person do it.  I'm not against an outside person doing it, but I have nobody personally who could and I don't really want to spend money on some stranger evaluating kids she doesn't know.  KWIM?


I did a test last year which kinda made it easier.  He hated doing the testing though.  HATED.  He did excellent, but gee he complained so much I didn't want to make him do it again this year if I didn't have to.  Next year he'll have to. Hopefully he'll scoff less.


My older kid is in high school so he has to do the testing, but he never complained about it.  He cranks that thing out in a couple of hours to get it over with.


That is totally understandable. I think the reasons why I have our relative sign off and you write up more than the bare minimum are similar - it's a way to cover your backside. I wouldn't spend money for a stranger to evaluate my kid, either. The way the law is in NY, you could have a friend you know from a co-op sign off, if you wanted to. Don't ask the school district if so-and-so will be ok, just inform them on the 3rd quarterly report. Sending in paperwork is always accompanied by some amount of stress.

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We have to write a parent letter every year too and it always stresses me out! Glad you finished - always such a relief to get the packet complete for the year. 


Do you have to wait to receive a letter from the home school office approving your year too? Ours has 2 weeks to get back to us.

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Ours was always a short paragraph.

__________ made adequate progress is all areas. Clocked the right number of hours. yada yada.  And then I wrote their favorite thing they learned, favorite field trip, and what they felt was their biggest accomplishment. Boom. Done. And a nice paragraph to show for it thus allaying any fears over whether I'd get a nasty letter/call/email asking me for more information.

Edited by Mommy to monkeys
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