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Guesthollow science reviews

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I just found out about this company...and it is interesting to say the least...for my 2 non science kids.  One is non-math too, the other is good at math, but doesn't care of it.


I am considering the Bio for one this year and the physics for the other.


But I worry about it being a complete program for highschool.  So I need some reviews...the good, bad and in between.



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And OP, you do realize that the author is on these boards, right? 


No, I didn't realize this...I hope she chimes in with some additional information for me.  I also emailed her...with some questions....


GH is high on my list for biology next year for my son...I am not as interested in the physics as it appears that there is no text book or workbook type work...and my daughter likes that.  



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I am planning on using High School Chemistry in the Kitchen in the fall with my youngest. He struggles with math and dislikes science. I showed him the curriculum and he was very interested in it. We have started getting some of the books and kits in the mail and he is excited to begin. 

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