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The Hormonal Teachers Lounge 6-1-2017


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Good morning! HAPPY JUNE!


Today's theme is brought to you not by a hormonal teacher ( I know that's what you thought!) but by a hormonal

tween almost teen boy. He has been SO sensitive these past couple of days. From outbursts of frustration to tears in less

than a minute. Yesterday, I did everything I could to help - including lots of protein his way. But the hormones of puberty seem 

to be winning this round!


Anyone else in the throes of hormonal rampages right now, whether it be yourself or your offspring? Here: see above!  :willy_nilly: 


Any advice on how to help my hormonal almost-13yo boy?


And totally OT (off topic), anyone shop for a new-to-you laptop/computer lately? Here: me! I realized I needed on for my own schooling.

Meeting up today to check out one listed on Craigslist. We'll see how it goes!  :coolgleamA: 


Talk to me! :bigear: 


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I lucked out with my first kid. he only had the occasional loss of control, and an underlying anger during that time. we were able to be understanding with each other.  my second kid is a different story. he's always been high strung. he's struggling with himself. whiney and angry, and frustrated, and teary. while i adore my little monster, and i'm savoring his last moments of little boyness, i'm strongly looking forward to 14 or so when he, hopefully, starts to move into a more mature and stable mindset. maybe. i hope. 


the only thing i've found that helps, besides frequent feedings, is talking about feelings and reassuring him that what he's feeling is for a reason, has a purpose, is normal and ok, and it's not that every else is suddenly super annoying. it's that he is just very sensitive. strategies for giving himself some space and the ability to walk it off helps a lot. my oldest still takes off on long, lonely walks when he's feeling unfriendly. 


i'm toying with the idea of a laptop, or a tablet, or both. i glanced at a few at the office supply store. i was pleased with the prices. that's as far as i've gotten. my kids are shifting towards more online resources, and one computer isn't going to be enough. 



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Thanks for your input and your insight, Strawberry! I do understand the frequent feedings and will have to get even better at planning our groceries. He's currently 

munching on a large organic Fuji  apple and peanut butter plus a peanut butter and jelly sandwich his sister begrudgingly made for him. I will be going to the store today

to get more eggs (they're on sale!) to make deviled eggs. I will also be picking up beef, chicken, and ground pork. With that I plan on making meatballs, gf sweet -n - sour chicken,

and Indian chicken dish I've forgotten the name of (not tandori), and homemade italian sausage. Too many store-bought sausages contain corn starch, dextrose, or other corn derivatives and my body doesn't process those well.


Hope you find the computer(s) you're looking for, Strawberry! 

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Good afternoon!

The roughest times with my dd were from 14-16, but I can't say that there still aren't issues. It may not help that now we know she has a mild form of PCOS. I realized looking back that my own reactions to her were what hurt or helped the most. It was hard, though, since I myself was peri-menopausal. 


Ds is definitely having more issues than he did a couple years ago, but I see more frustration and sarcasm coming from it than tears. Again, my own reactions will probably help. I'm 2 years past my last period, so I feel that at least I'm not hormonal as I was with her. 


One thing about ds is he can joke about something later. I find that laughter is truly good medicine for him. 


I bought a new laptop in January. This is the one I bought, and it's been great.  Ds plays Minecraft on it, too, so I think it has good capabilities. 





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My goodness, keeping them fed is SO hard.


I buy fruit and veg by the crate.


I'm getting ready to fire up the bread machine, and this morning decided that I really need a second one. a single loaf of bread is just not even adequate. 


i'm reworking my plan again. we need easy, filling, hearty meals that don't require the oven. and picnic lunches. and packable snacks. and home lunches. and easy, fast, filling breakfasts. and to not go broke. 

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Hobbies to occupy his time, a lot of love, plenty of food, and sometimes a really wide berth.


I need to shop for a new laptop.  Mine is falling apart.  I'm starting to use the iPad more for stuff so maybe I don't need a laptop.

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Hobbies to occupy his time, a lot of love, plenty of food, and sometimes a really wide berth.


I need to shop for a new laptop.  Mine is falling apart.  I'm starting to use the iPad more for stuff so maybe I don't need a laptop.

I would LOVE a new iPad. Mine is an iPad 2 and about 6 years old so it doesn't handle modern websites very well. It's great for other aspects, though!

However, the computer I actually did buy today (the one off Craigslist) works just fine for what I actually need it to do and was more in my price range than a 

new iPad. 

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My goodness, keeping them fed is SO hard.


I buy fruit and veg by the crate.


I'm getting ready to fire up the bread machine, and this morning decided that I really need a second one. a single loaf of bread is just not even adequate. 


i'm reworking my plan again. we need easy, filling, hearty meals that don't require the oven. and picnic lunches. and packable snacks. and home lunches. and easy, fast, filling breakfasts. and to not go broke. 

The bolded parts! As for filling meals that don't require the oven: use the crockpot for baked potatoes! Clean potatoes, poke 3 or 4 times with a fork, rub with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper if you like, wrap in foil, and cook on low for 7 hours in the crockpot. Sometimes I'll do that overnight and we'll have what we call "breakfast potatoes" in the morning: baked potatoes topped with eggs, bacon, sausage, whatever. I'll have to incorporate those into our eating plan more often it seems! And potatoes are relatively inexpensive!  :hurray:

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The bolded parts! As for filling meals that don't require the oven: use the crockpot for baked potatoes! Clean potatoes, poke 3 or 4 times with a fork, rub with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper if you like, wrap in foil, and cook on low for 7 hours in the crockpot. Sometimes I'll do that overnight and we'll have what we call "breakfast potatoes" in the morning: baked potatoes topped with eggs, bacon, sausage, whatever. I'll have to incorporate those into our eating plan more often it seems! And potatoes are relatively inexpensive!  :hurray:

good idea! I have 5 pounds of potatoes and no real plan for them. too bad we're out of foil and i just got back from the store. 

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I'm sure my teens are having their own hormonal issues now and then. Usually hunger and fatigues makes it worse and very obvious.


I am currently having my own hormonal issues which are taking up far too much of my attention. Bloating, constipation, retaining water, very late period is all making me feel pregnant. I even broke down and took a test. Nope, just weirdo hormones.  :leaving:

Edited by wintermom
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