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What could this stomach pain be? I have a pain on my right side, just under my rib cage and then lower also almost where ovulation pain would be. It started as a feeling like a 'catch' in my side. And now it is just sore. This is a similar pain to unbearable pain I had in 2008...they took my appendicts out then, but the surgeon told me my appendicts was no bad. I had no pain after surgery so it was always a mystery...if it wasn't my appendicts but the pain stopped when he took it out...then what was it? About two years after that I had another episode similar to now...so I am thinking I have something chronic...obviously not cancer or an obstruction because I would be dead by now.


Also back in 2008 the GP who did a scan of some sort came rushing into the ER telling me my appendicts had burst. A week later when he got the report back that my appendicts had not burst and in fact was not even diseased or inflammed...well, he called me all in a panic because he was convinced there was SOMETHING There. The surgeon assured me he had been inside me when he removed the appendicts and there was no inflammation, so sign of cancer...just nothing.


So what is this? I guess I need to go to the doctor. Ugh. Dh has knee surgery Friday. I do not have time for this.

Edited by Scarlett
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Gall bladder pain tends to be on the right just under rib cage. Mine felt like a sharp, intense, stabbing pain that radiated all the way around to my shoulder blade but I had no soreness or pain at all when an attack stopped suddenly. But others have a more constant dull pain with gall bladder problems.

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I made a doc apt for Monday. 


If I stand with my hands on my waist, thumbs toward my back....the pain is where my 4 fingers are and about as big as my palm and fingers....but it also goes down very low...like ovulation pain but I am waaay past that.  I have some discomfort in my back area...but not pain.  The back pain feels more like muscular pain from holding myself funny from the other pain.



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I made a doc apt for Monday.


If I stand with my hands on my waist, thumbs toward my back....the pain is where my 4 fingers are and about as big as my palm and fingers....but it also goes down very low...like ovulation pain but I am waaay past that. I have some discomfort in my back area...but not pain. The back pain feels more like muscular pain from holding myself funny from the other pain.

When I had an ovarian cyst, it felt like what you describe. My gall bladder pain was felt in my right upper back and right underneath the right rib cage.


Your pain might also be caused by scar tissue from your previous surgery.

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When I had an ovarian cyst, it felt like what you describe. My gall bladder pain was felt in my right upper back and right underneath the right rib cage.


Your pain might also be caused by scar tissue from your previous surgery.



Could I have an ovarian cyst post menopausal? 


And the pain feels just like the pain I had when they did the appendectomy.


I don't know. It is really bothering me.  I somehow don't think it is gall bladder. 

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Mesenteric Adenitis?  Have you had a cold virus recently?  DD presented with the same kind of pain, very sharp for a few days then was a dull ache for a few weeks.  Often is misdiagnosed as appendicitis.  She was checked for gallbladder, appendicitis, and ovarian torsion.  It popped up 3 days after she was diagnosed with the flu.  It can be a recurring thing too with any virus.


ETA: Your description is almost dead on for the pain and area I think.

Edited by TeenagerMom
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Symptoms of a kidney stone. This sounds more like what it could be. Definite pain radiating to my groin area.


It mentions pain on urination....I have pain when I urinate but the pain is up high, not at irination site....I am unclear where it is suppose to hurt on urination.


I don't have the vomiting , fever, chills, or nausea....just pain. Not unbearable....but very uncomfortable.


So if this was what I had in 08 instead of a bad appendicts....could the surgery have knocked it lose or something? Because my pain was completely gone when I woke up from surgery.

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Small enough stones are expelled by the body spontaneously. They can be visible on ultrasound or CT.


Symptoms change depending on the person. Extreme pain can cause sweats/chills/nausea/vomiting no matter the cause.


Pain location can be different in each person as well.

Edited by displace
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