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AOPS -- Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry

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Two questions.  One, DD (rising 10th grader) is doing AOPS Geometry and liking it, but it has been less independent than we anticipated.  If you've seen my huge NICU thread on the Chat Board, you'll know that this year has been full of extenuating circumstances for my family, and I've not been available to help with math as much as I'd have liked.  So DD will be finishing AOPS over the summer.  Which chapters are absolutely essential, and which could be optional for a standard Geometry class for 9th grade?


Second question.  DD did Algebra 1 with Saxon last year but wants to continue Algebra 2 using AOPS.  I also have a rising 7th grader who has been using AOPS Pre-Algebra and liking it.  When he finishes it next year, he will start in AOPS Intro to Algebra.  Can someone tell me which chapters in the Intro to Algebra book are pretty standard for Algebra 1 and which are standard for Algebra 2?  Also, I know my rising 10th grader will need some of the chapters from the Intermediate Algebra book for Algebra 2 -- any thoughts as to which of those are pretty typical for Algebra 2?

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I agree with the above.  The first half of the book is basically Algebra I material and the second half Algebra II.  My understanding is that the second half of the book doesn't quite cover all of Algebra II (I'm not a math person; I'll leave it to others to explain precisely what the difference is.), but it is enough that the University of California system considers it sufficient to meet their Algebra II requirement (if that helps put it into perspective for you.) :)

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Chapters 1-13 are basically algebra 1. It would be difficult for most students to do a different algebra 1 program and then jump into the second half of the book.


I'm in the camp that the second half of the book is enough to call algebra 2. What is doesn't cover that some other algebra 2 programs cover is parabolas, hyperbolas, ellipses, matrices. All of these topics are covered from the beginning in a good precalc program.


As far as geometry, if she can get through chapter 15 then I'd consider her good. (Chapter 13 is hard by the way).

The rest of the book is good, but you'll see it again if you ever need it. Chapter 16 is reflections/rotations - not too hard of a chapter. Chapter 17 is analytical geometry - I had a whole college class that essentially covered this one chapter (it was a waste of a class). Chapter 18 is intro to trig - a great intro that you can add if you want. Chapter 19 is putting everything together in more hard problems.

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Thank you all!  This is really helpful.  


I'm going to have her do the second half of the intro algebra book and see how that goes.  It will hopefully leave us time to get through some of the intermediate book as well, covering the topics that Julie of KY recommended.  I'm sure I will be back to ask about precalculus for eleventh grade but not yet.


I am hoping my math-loving rising 7th grader will be able to step up his work speed a bit (he gets the stuff easily but is just a slower worker) to finish prealgebra and part of the intro algebra book next year, because I'd love for him to have room in his schedule for some of the extra books, number theory or whatever it is.  I'm really glad we tried AOPS this year.  I think both kids are thinking more deeply, and while both say it's hard, both also say they want more, and I think they like the challenge.  I personally love teaching from it and how it explains things.

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