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Gift query

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I am the world's lousiest gift-giver! I get so stressed about the "politics of giving" (does it cost enough, does it cost too much, is it reciprocal, will she read *this* into it, etc.) that any creativity or whimsy gets thrown out the window.


So, I'd like to know - what's the best/most thoughtful/most surprising gift you've ever received? I'm not talking about when dh pulled out the engagement ring, or parents gave you a car for your 16th birthday (does that actually happen?), or the trip to Europe when you graduated from college... (ok - now I'm just starting to depress myself!)


But what was a simple thing that you received that made an impression on you for its thoughtfulness, or was surprising because it revealed a depth of knowledge or caring that you didn't realize was there?


I received a "secret sister" gift at church that was a small statue illustrating my life verse (Rev. 3:20). I was touched that someone would remember something I had only casually mentioned in passing.

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I was in a fellowship group years ago and one of the gals always made us gifts- homemeade aprons, actually she made us each dresses, too! She taught us how to make homemeade apple pies, knit us scarves, etc.

I've also received some homemade cards like Nest of 3 makes as well as homemade soaps- which I love!

I have also been really touched by getting simple homemade gifts for each of our babies- a homemade knitted hat, blanket.

Homemade is best imho :001_smile:. Especially when the giver is good at thier craft! I'm giving baskets of preserves for Xmas and homemade vanilla but I'm not giving away my pickles cause I'm never sure if they're good!

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Well, I can give you examples of gifts that I gave to others that meant alot to them. These were not expensive gifts but ones that had meaning to just those individuals.

1. a rock for my dad from his grandpa's old homestead property. It was particularly special since it was a cornerstone rock of the old chimney.

2. a drawing by my two boys for my parents. It was a collage of illustrations representing our family and activities we all do together. They wrote an appropriate saying around the drawing and we framed it.

3. my father-in-law plays cards every week with a group of older men. A few of them are aging and sick and so one night, I dropped by their place and took black and white pics. I then told him the camera messed up and pics didn't come out(not really) I made a collage of the pics and gave it to him for Christmas and he took it to the place and proudly displayed it there on the wall. He said everyone loved it!!!

So, I think the best gifts don't have to be made or bought. Good luck!

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I have two.


1) Friends of mine and I on another message board did secret santa last year. I had mentioned in passing that I liked the Starbucks Christmas Coffee. My secret santa sent me cinnamon coffee and a travel mug. The coffee is long gone but I still have the mug and use it every day. She knew I travelled a lot in the car so it was a great gift.


2) The second one is really bigger. A friend of mine let me stay with her for a summer when I really needed some space to heal mentally. In exchange for helping out around the house and with her wonderful toddler I got to stay for free. She also got me a job at a nursery so I would have some pocket money. It was incredibly thoughtful because it gave me space to think and to make decisions about my life and to begin to heal after what had been an incredibly difficult few years.


I realise not everyone can do number two but sometimes just giving people a chance to be is the biggest gift.

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I am the world's lousiest gift-giver! I get so stressed about the "politics of giving" (does it cost enough, does it cost too much, is it reciprocal, will she read *this* into it, etc.) that any creativity or whimsy gets thrown out the window.


So, I'd like to know - what's the best/most thoughtful/most surprising gift you've ever received? I'm not talking about when dh pulled out the engagement ring, or parents gave you a car for your 16th birthday (does that actually happen?), or the trip to Europe when you graduated from college... (ok - now I'm just starting to depress myself!)


But what was a simple thing that you received that made an impression on you for its thoughtfulness, or was surprising because it revealed a depth of knowledge or caring that you didn't realize was there?


I received a "secret sister" gift at church that was a small statue illustrating my life verse (Rev. 3:20). I was touched that someone would remember something I had only casually mentioned in passing.


My mother has never been a frivilous person. She is very practical and since her holiday budget was very limited we usually got pantyhose, clothes etc. when we got older. Well, I had a thing for Precious Moments and the Christmas before my wedding mother gave me a precious moments that is very sentimental to me today. 1. she never buys things like that 2. would never pay for things like that. 3 never verbally expresses her feelings or says "I love you" often so that getting that Precious Moments really spoke volumes to my heart.


The other thing that comes to mind is we attended a church when "praise/worship" teams were just becoming popular and they had the most amazing singers. We moved to another state and I was really missing the singing. That church decided to make a tape of their singing and my sister gave this to me for Christmas. I still listen to this.


One more comes to mind. Mother was always bad about putting pictures in albums so one time I was home I took a bunch and put together an album and labeled what I could and gave her what she needed to add others. She really enjoyed that. I have also given her framed pictures of she and her sister together since she did not have any.

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Give what you WANT to give, and its very likely to be the right thing. I'm sure you've walked around your local library many times and had books "jump off the shelf" at you. Do that with Christmas shopping.


I don't have a best gift story, but do have the opposite. My aunt asked me, back when I was a young teen, what I wanted for Christmas. I'd just aquired some penpals, so I very enthusiastically asked for some aerogrammes and stamps. "I can't give you that!" she exclaimed. So she got me a little gift box with a few pairs of knickers in it. Wow, thanks... If the person receiving thinks its appropriate (and you'll know if they said so!) don't worry about whether it is politically suitable.




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It says so much about Christmas past in our house, like the memory of my sister sending a teapot in an envelope one Christmas.


Christmas Thank Yous by Mick Gowar:


Dear Auntie

Oh, what a nice jumper

I've always adored powder blue

and fancy you thinking of

orange and pink

for the stripes

how clever of you!


Dear Uncle

The soap is terrific

so useful and such a kind thought

and how did you guess that

I'd just used the last of

the soap that last Christmas brought?


Dear Gran

Many thanks for the hankies

Now I really can't wait for the 'flu

and the daisies embroidered

in red round the "M"

for Michael

how thoughtful of you!


Dear Cousin

What socks!

and the same sort you wear

so you must be

the last word in style

and I'm certain you're right that the

luminous green

will make me stand out a mile.


Dear Sister

I quite understand your concern

it's a risk sending jam in the post

But I think I've pulled out

all the big bits of glass

so it won't taste too sharp

spread on toast


Dear Grandad

Don't fret

I'm delighted

So don't think your gift will offend

I'm not at all hurt

that you gave up this year

and just sent me a fiver to spend.



Edited to add: No, sadly the teapot was unrecognizable. My sister doesn't know though...

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My parents had a translation of the Bible I (and they) use custom bound with a reference book I also use in the back---bound together...am I saying that right? Anyway, it was fairly expensive...maybe $100, but it touched me deeply.


My dad, who is actually my step-dad for only 7 years now, had a ring made for me out of a rare stone that he has hunted for years.


Both of those gifts, although relatively expensive just felt very meaningful to me. By the way, I'm seeing as I type this that I do put stock in to how much someone is willing to spend on me RELATIVE to their ability. Now I feel shallow. Sigh.


Anyway, on a less shallow note...one time when I was 14, my best friend, sent home a shirt she had borrowed from me...washed of course...and sprinkled in a perfumed powder she had that she knew I loved. That thrilled me.


Dh the time he stopped the jeep while driving me home from a dental appt where I had been sedated....to pick me flowers from the side of the road.


The time when we were broke and dh cashed in $50 worth of pennies to buy my anniversary present. The fact he didn't charge my gift meant a lot to me. And the gift was a pair of wool socks and a flannel shirt for camping. :)


My best friend recently bought me a big bear skin type throw similar to one I had admired at her house often.


Those are a few I can think of.

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I didn't read the replies first....Were you wanting Christmas gift giving ideas? None of the gifts I mentioned were given to me for Christmas.


That is also what has usually made a gift mean something to me...the 'just because' factor.


No - you didn't miss anything, but I am looking for inspiration for Christmas!

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