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No baby yet. . .

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though I think I am up for the record for most contractions without really being in labor. What is up with that? You ladies who have had lots of babies-- is it common to have tons of early labor? I call it piddling around. So 40 weeks and counting. I am drinking RRL tea and taking the extract. I walked two miles yesterday. I have cleaned most of my closets and scrubbed floors on my hands and knees. Please send you best baby come out vibes my way. Thanks.

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My DD is more than a week over due, but the date was set by ultra sound..so who knows. Her 2 yr old is sleeping here at night, because her Husband is a restaurant manager and often not home til after 3 am. I would rather have the little guy here, than have to worry about how to get him here at 3am!


Waiting is so hard, we are all ready to meet the new little brother!

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