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Late bloomer (female content embarrassment a little)

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A part of me can't believe I'm even mentioning this, but then as a homeschooling mom...all things natural and "ooh, isn't that interesting" just can not be contained...so those who like to keep private parts private, go to the next post...


Okay, ladies (I will :tongue_smilie:if any men read this)...my nipples have always been inverted...after I had my first child and began breast feeding, one popped out and I was able to nurse...I used breast shields, you name it, I tried it, but the other breast would not "come out"...so for all three of my children I had to nurse on one breast and pump the heck out of the other one...they could just not latch on at all...so I just gave up trying and pumped enough for bottle feedings if I needed.


My youngest is now 9 years old, so it's been awhile since there's been any nursing...nothing has changed in the "break room" (okay I'm horrible at code words, but you get what I mean, I hope)...but this morning I had finished working out and went to take a shower and oila, my inverted had converted and at age 41 I now have two headlights. I can't tell you how embarrassing it was to have just one headlight for all those years..well, okay those things don't really embarrass me but they do make me take pause and wonder.


So, am I just really a late bloomer, or could this be a sign of hormonal changes like pre pre menopausal? I don't feel different, I was a late bloomer, not starting until almost 15....but my cycles come every 19 days instead of 28 like some....I'm just at a loss..but I just can't call my buddies and announce this major change...wondered if this every happened to any of you and wanted to brag that I'm now officially done with puberty.




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The things we talk about..

Ok I too had inverted nipples. Mine would come out with a little fishing around, so I was able to nurse. It was a very difficult thing to do as you can imagine. With nursing 3 kids... 1 nipple converted to being a normal nipple. The other was still reluctant. After having my 4th baby the other on has finally seen the light! (literally! LOL) Now both boobies are finally looking like they should.

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This is what I think is so great about Internet forums -- you can ask questions like this and discuss in relative anonymity.


And this forum in particular is full of us types who are ready to throw a party for your "coming out" ... or popping out ... or whatever you call the event.:party:


ETA: I normally fell compelled to add a tag on just about every post I read. It's my inner library cataloger that makes me this way. This one, though, is beyond my tagging skills.

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Eek, tags, I can't even begin to think on that one...but I'm pleased to say my incidental outing has remained and I'm rather proud of my late blooming appendage. I hope this will serve as encouragement for any of those girls with an introvert...time is your friend!


Okay, now for an equally embarrassing moment (what in the heck is happening to me??)...last night I was dreaming that I was in college and on a road trip...it was time for my girlfriends and I to pack up and make it back for classes (and of course an exam...so stress was mounting)...after packing up all my stuff, I told my friends I had to run to the bathroom really quickly before the long drive home...as I sat on the toilet and envisioned my crammed preparation for the exam the next day, I realized that I was PEEING in my own bed!!!! AAAAGH!!! This has never happened to me and at 41, it's quite enough that puberty has had its final call on me and now I'm wetting the bed???



Okay, it's Monday, I can just put this all behind me, right???



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This sounds like a Star Trek episode where you're growing younger and younger instead of older. Sort of cool. Well, for those of us who aren't actually living it.


And a tag of BooK reports? Oh, if only the tagging mechanism allowed those caps. It's tempting ....

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