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What in the world?


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I got a call from a bank where we have a small account and a HELOC.


We recently paid off about 2/3 of our HELOC.  


A phone call from a "representative" asking us to come in so they could meet us and discuss any further "needs" we may have.


I have NO desire to go sit through listening to them try to get us to take out another loan.  We aren't interested.


Have you ever received a call asking you to come in and meet with a bank?


This is just weird!,



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yes.  banks make money by lending money.  they're "selling" a product.  you have previously "bought" a product from them.  they want to sell you another product.


simply tell them you're not interested and end the call.  no big deal.


dh remembers the day his former employer bank decided to reduce the commission on a sale their bond salesmen would make.  the bank learned a very painful lesson.  these salesmen took their customer lists and went across the street to another bank to set up shop - and that was the end of his previous employer bank in the bond business.

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