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Fun/Creative/Romantic Proposals

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I know someone that is going to be proposing sometime soon. What are some fun/romantic proposals that you have heard about or had? This is such a special time in their lives, it would be so neat to have a great proposal to remember! I can't wait to hear them!

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My dh proposed to me on the air. It was his last shift at the local Christian station which had been sold. He had received permission to have me in the station with him and on his last air break as he was saying good bye to his listeners, he proposed.


On another note, because we had met playing volleyball, he arranged to have pictures taken right after our wedding playing volleyball. That was neat too.

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My cousins' family have friends who were photographers so my cousin and the photographer came up with a plan. The photographer needed some photos for an upcoming show...little white lie...and asked my cousin and his girlfriend if they would help them out. So, as they were getting their picture taken, my cousin pulled out the ring, got down on one knee and proposed. They have a beautiful portrait of the moment.

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My dh proposed to me at the drag races. It was a local track, middle of July and we were close enough to have rubber on our shirts. We were sitting on bleachers in the gravel. He got down with one knee in the gravel and proposed. It was perfect. Might seem kind of redneck, but the early part of our relationship evolved around lots of racing.


We took our honeymoon to Atlanta Motor Speedway, but that's another story. :D

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My bil proposed in teh sweetest way to my sister. He built a bear at build a bear workshop, and had it ask her in the voice chip, then dressed it in a tux with top hat. He took her out for dinner and had friends put the bear ont eh couch with the ring under the top hat, then light candles and make a trail of rose petals from the couch to the front door, so that as soon as she opened the apartment door she was greeted with it. She has put that bear in my nephews nursery now and still listens to the voice chip from time to time.


ETA: my own proposal was nothing like that, We were at red lobster when ds was 10 weeks old, he handed me the ring over my plate of shrimp and said "we may as well make Austin legit" I found out 2 days later I was pg with my daughter. NOt as romantic as my sister's proposal that is for sure.

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And make sure he doesn't accidentally propose... :lol: or practice proposing :lol: (yup, that would be my sweet dh who was SO scared to propose that he would practice at least once a week... and then he planned everything out but due to circumstances didn't follow through with taking me to our first date at the beach etc. and then accidentally proposed somewhere else.)

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I heard of a guy who asked his girlfriend to meet him at a dock to go fishing. When she got there he handed her a pole and down where the hook would be was her engagement ring! That would scare me! I'd be afraid it would fall in the water!


Another one is the guy who put the ring in the bottom of a glass of champagne. I guess she saw it before she ingested it!


Someone else proposed on the top of a mountain.


And finally, a bouquet of flowers with the ring nestled in one of the blooms.


Be sure to let us know how it goes!



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Another one is the guy who put the ring in the bottom of a glass of champagne. I guess she saw it before she ingested it!


The best way for this is to have the ring *in* the ice cube. No danger of swallowing it, but the lady has to work for it! ;-)


For us? I walked downstairs and told my then live-in boyfriend "ok that's it, we're getting married. Pick a date in May"

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The best way for this is to have the ring *in* the ice cube. No danger of swallowing it, but the lady has to work for it! ;-)


For us? I walked downstairs and told my then live-in boyfriend "ok that's it, we're getting married. Pick a date in May"

Ah, yes! That would be the way to do it! It would make me crazy getting that ice cube to melt quickly, though!


Your "proposal" sounds like mine! We were also living together and my Air Force boyfriend (now dh) came home for lunch one day and I said, "So, how about we get married between the end of your training and the start of your first assignment?" He agreed! Next month will be 20 yrs. of *bliss*!!


He did manage to work in a surprise, though. We had chosen plain gold wedding bands (no engagement ring, to be practical with our limited money), and he surprised me with a diamond wedding set during the ceremony! It was perfect.



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