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Question for MUS users


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I'm planning on using Epsilon and Zeta with my daughter next year. She's had a decent amount of exposure to fractions and decimals, but I don't think she's ready for pre-algebra yet. The first half of both books will probably be fairly easy for her.


So what will be the best way to get through the easy lessons? I see that there are 6 sections in each lesson (A-F). Which ones should she do if she shows mastery in A? Should she do all review sections?


Also, has anyone used the digital pack? I own the blocks but not the fraction overlays. She hates manipulatives but is very visual. I think she'd use the online manipulatives better. Do your kids use it? Are they easy to work with?

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Review sections cover previous math.  To get through the easy lessons I'd probably have my kid work A, then the next day work D and demonstrate what she learned from A, and the last day test if she has 100% on D.  If not, do E.


The digital pack wasn't out the first time we went through Epsilon and Zeta, so I have no experience with it.  We did enjoy the fraction overlays, but had no use for the decimal blocks.

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I agree with PP.  I typically have my DS do A and then at least one of the review worksheets and G (the enrichment).  Typically he will do G and another worksheet on the same day. I do also have DS take the test since it also has review on it and it is the only thing I keep for record purposes.  


We also don't use the digital since DS is fine with or without the blocks.  

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We would go through as many lessons as I thought I could get my son to do worksheets in one day (so one worksheet from each lesson) until he needed more practice.  Then we would slow down (usually) doing one lesson over three days and sometimes right at the end one lesson over five days.  We did Beta-Zeta in about 6 months this way.

Edited by EKS
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Worksheets A-C have only the material for the lesson. The rest have review on them as well. It's easy to switch up the worksheets. I do it a lot depending on how my kids handle a new lesson. I usually have them do worksheet A the same day they watch the lesson, and if it is apparent the subject matter is really easy for that lesson (as was the case for one of my kids when we switched to MUS), I will go to worksheet D the next day, and move on as soon as I'm sure he's got it. I also switch up like that if a previous lesson was difficult to make sure they are seeing review problems sooner than later.  You really can go at any pace that is appropriate for your child with this program.

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We would go through as many lessons as I thought I could get my son to do worksheets in one day (so one worksheet from each lesson) until he needed more practice. Then we would slow down (usually) doing one lesson over three days and sometimes right at the end one lesson over five days. We did Beta-Zeta in about 6 months this way.

Did you have him watch the lessons, or did you teach it to him? It seems that that would take much longer if he were watching the DVD and doing numerous lessons in a day.

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Did you have him watch the lessons, or did you teach it to him? It seems that that would take much longer if he were watching the DVD and doing numerous lessons in a day.


If he already knew whatever it was cold, we would maybe discuss it for a minute and then I would just have him do the worksheets.  This was for things like lessons where all that was taught was math facts he already knew.  

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